Chapter 4-I Want Answers

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I had to blink a couple of times, not really sure that this was happening. Was I really standing there next to Harper Lombardi, my mate, a vampire? And had he really just said he had to see me?

Staring into his deep blue eyes as sparks shot through my body I knew that it was all true.

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. Thank god Harper decided to break the awkward silence. "I never got your name..." he mumbled, backing away from me a little.

Feeling the need to keep my guard up, I crossed my arms over my chest and responded, "That's because I never gave it to you. Or maybe because I never got the chance when you so rudely kicked me out of your house." Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said that, but I was still a little angry.

He frowned at me and scoffed. "Well you did slap me!" He yelled lowly.

Getting frustrated, I sighed. "Is there something you want, Lombardi?" I instantly regretted being so rude, the look on his face was like I slapped him all over again. My wolf was going crazy that I'd hurt our mate in any way.

"You owe me some answers, and that's the only reason I'm here." All emotion was wiped clean from his face, his voice, and I knew that's not the real reason he came, I could sense that there was something else but I didn't say anything. I just let him continue.

"I don't owe you anything," I.muttered bitterly, but he went on anyway.

"Why are you all I've been thinking about lately? Why did it physically hurt me to walk away from you today? Why does it feel wrong to kiss my girlfriend? And good lord, what the hell is your name?!" He rambled on, question after question but I was too focused on one thing.

        "Girlfriend? You, have one of those?" I barely whispered. Why was I surprised he's got a girlfriend? He's gorgeous, of course he did.

        That thought still didn't make it hurt any less.

He looked at me with a fire in his eyes, like he was burning through my soul, trying to read me. "Uh-"

"Anyway," I cut him off, not really wanting to hear the answer although I already knew it. (I just didn't think my wolf could take any more disappointment) "I'll explain everything to you--another time. You've seriously got to get out of here before some one notices you. Seriously, I'm surprised no one has sniffed you out yet-"

"Except me." I looked over to see Rebecca standing there, her arms crossed, a dirty smirk on her face. "Seriously, Roxie? Private meetings with your beloved blood sucker, right on our lands? You're so stupid! You think because your uncle is alpha you can just do whatever you want, right?" She rambled angrily glaring daggers at me. I had completely forgotten about Harper, too focused on Rebecca and her bitching.

"Rebecca, I--"

"Who knows what they'd do if they found him here?" She continued, a smirk on her face. I searched her face for any signs that she wasn't serious, but came up empty.

Feeling anger rising in me, I grabbed her wrist as she turned to walk away, which she snatched away and shoved me to the ground. I watched in utter shock as Harper grabbed her by her throat and slung her into a tree. Her eyes widened as her body hit the tree, and then she slumped to the ground.

"Oh my god, Harper! What was that?" I asked but he seemed to have disappeared when I turned back around. By then every one was gathered around Rebecca, which created a huge commotion. Everyone was yelling out random things.

"She's breathing!"

"Oh man, she cracked the tree!"

Nelson ran over to the scene and scooped her in his arms. "Get the pack doctor out here!" He yelled frantically.

Some one ran inside to get Barb, the pack doctor while I sat there in shock. What the hell had just happened?

"Roxie?" Kurt said, gaining the attention of the entire pack And I silently cursed him. There goes my plans to sneak away unnoticed. Kurt made an 'o' with his mouth and gave me an apologetic look for busting me out. He understands my... situation. with Rebecca. The entire pack broke into mumbles as they shot me accusing looks.

"She did it!"

"The alphas niece? Who knew she was violent!"

As it turned out, Rebecca had three broken ribs and she had no memory of what had happened that night. I was on my way to visit her, shed been with the pack doctor for three days, so far no one knew it was Harper who'd attacked her. They all thought it was me. Except for Carmen, I'd told her everything. I was only visiting Rebecca to see if she'd keep her big mouth shut (I wasn't entirely sure if her amnesia was a load of bull or not), I didn't even want to think about what would happen if they'd found out what really went on.

"Hey Nelson." I smiled at him, gripping the flower's tight to my chest. So far Nelson hadn't shown any signs of him being angry at 'me' for putting his kid in the hospital. I know I'd be.

He looked up at me, a small smile on his face. "Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?"

"Just paying my respects. I mean, not paying my respects 'cause she's not dead or anything-- just, how are you not angry at me?"

This caused him to laugh, which confused the hell out of me. "Roxie, we're wolves. We lose our tempers sometimes. Besides, I know how my kid can be, she is my kid, after all. By the way, she's in there." He pointed to a white door to the left.

I nodded and mouthed 'thank you', thankful that Nelson was so understanding. Even though I did nothing at all.

I went in the room to find Rebecca writing in a diary, she looked up when she caught my scent, a smirk spread across her face. That didn't settle well in my stomach.

"Ah, Roxie! I was wondering when you'd come and try to convince me to keep my mouth shut about your blood sucker." She chirped brightly, shutting her diary.

My eyes widened slightly. "You didn't lose your memory of that night, did you? You remember?" I asked, already knowing the answer to my question.

"Every minute of it." She responded in a bored tone. "Now can you make this fast? I sort of have a head ache, you know, thanks to lover boy." She continued bitterly, rolling her eyes.

I tossed the roses I'd gotten for her on the bed and sighed. "All right then, what do I got to do to make you forget?"

Her eyes seemed to light up a bit. "Now we're talking."

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