Chapter 13-Carmen

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Hey guys, okay so I'd just like say WOW!!! 2,567 READS/?! Lol, I know it may not seem like a lot, but it really is to me. Thanks for all the support so far, and I hope I'll still get as much for the upcoming chapters. Thanks guys, you rock!


"Get out of my car! You must be out of your mind to think you're going anywhere in this vehicle! Especially after what you did to me!" Rebecca yelled, glaring furiously at Blake through the rear view mirror. Honestly, she looked as if she'd shift any minute now.

Blake's face hardened as he returned her glare. "I'm not leaving. If Roxie is going, I'm going, too." he stated simply, buckling in his seatbelt just to prove his point. I know this because there's no reason for a vampire to wear a seatbelt. They're immortal.

Rebecca's face had disbelief written all over it. She glanced at Blake, then at me, and then back to Blake. "Excuse me?! It's my car, you leech! You either get out, or I put you out!" she growled on the end, her eyes turning the darkest shade of black.

I could smell the anger radiating off from Blake. "I'd like to see you try, mutt." His eyes, on the other end, were turning a deadly yellow. Can you say weird?

I looked at the two fools and couldn't help but burst into laughter. The entire situation was hilarious and I was officially in a good mood. All it took was a good laugh. I was practically over the whole 'Blake's girlfriend' situation. Actually, not completely, but I put it in the back of mind.

I was laughing so hard my stomach started hurting, but I ignored it, doubling over in laughter. "Seriously, Rebecca? A-a leech?" I turned to Blake, trying my best to contain myself. "Dude, she just called you a leech--why aren't you laughing?"

They both just stared at me like I was crazy, eventually Blake spoke up. "Did you just call me dude?"

About five minutes later we were on the road. Rebecca eventually got over herself and "allowed" Blake to tag along. Personally, I just think that she realized he wasn't ever going to leave so she "allowed" him to come to save her pride.

I still had no idea why Blake wanted to tag along in the first place, and I wasn't going to ask him because I wasn't speaking to him. I did decide that I was over what had happened this morning, but there was a difference between being over him and over the fact that he totally played with my feelings. Not cool.

It was a pretty awkward situation. I wasn't talking to Blake, I'm obviously not bestie's with Rebecca so we weren't talking, and Rebecca and Blake sure as hell weren't going to chat it up. I sighed. Speaking of besties, I wonder what mine was doing right now.

Carmen's POV

I stared at myself, taking in my reflection in the mirror. Every familiar part of my face from my forehead to my chin. I studied my golden hair, noticing how the curliness made it look bigger everyday. My tan skin, my brown eyes, thick eyebrows. I looked fairly normal, like your average she-wolf, But I wasn't--normal, that is. I was far from it.

I was a fake, a phony. I wasn't the completely innocent, holy Carmen Pratt that everyone thought I was. I wasn't completely honest with everyone. I had a dirty little secret.

A very dirty little secret.

A secret that no one knows.

Not even Roxie, my best friend in the world.

Roxie... she has no idea how not alone she is, with her mate being a vampire. I can't be with my mate either, because of my secret. Because of who I am.

Why can't I just be normal?

A single tear rolled down my cheek, which was quickly followed by another, which was followed by many more. I collapsed on my bed, sobbing my life away.

Roxie has it easy, I though bitterly, momentarily envying her. Then I started to feel bad for being jealous of my own best friends just because her screwed up situation is less screwed up than mine, I started to cry harder.

Eventually I did get myself together--I had too. I had to go see my mate. It was my Saturday routine, the only day that Sam was working at the bar. Sam's two years older than me and had been working the night we met. I'd always watch the blonde from a distance. We'd never actually seen each other again, though. We couldn't, it would never work out. My family nor pack would never approve. It's not like I'm the alpha's niece and can just get away with my mate being anyone. But I couldn't just completely stay away from those alluring blue eyes, those dark blonde locks, that breath taking smile. So I settled on simply watching my mate from a distance.

I had to be at the bar in an hour so I wouldn't miss Sam's shift. I got there in thirty minutes.

My eyes landed on the soft blue car that my mate drove and I smiled slightly. Blue is Sam's favorite color--now it's my favorite color. I climbed the same tree outside the bar that gave me a great view into the place that I was very familiar with now. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the view, thankful for wolf senses at a time like this. My stomach filled with butterflies, I'm pretty sure my heart stopped completely, and my breath caught in my throat at the sight of the one person I loved more than anyone else in the world, looking as hot as ever. The familiar abnormally long hair, sparkling blue eyes, big white smile that I loved so much had me grinning in glee.

What I wasn't expecting was for Sam to look up in that exact moment and lay eyes on me.

Oh, no. I was so busted.

I panicked and jumped out of that tree as fast as I could, only to land a little too hard. My ankle throbbed furiously, I let out a howl of pain and fell to the ground, feeling incredibly stupid.

Tears immediately began streaming down my cheeks and I cried for the second time today. I may be a wolf but I know what pain feels like--and my ankle was definitely in pain.

"Carmen..." I froze at the sweet sound of Sam's voice, the sound that I'd been dying to hear for over a year.

I didn't turn around. I couldn't. We couldn't be together.

But I didn't flinch when Sam's hand landed on my arm, shooting those familiar sparks through my body, making me forget about the pain in my ankle and focus on the pain in my heart.

Sam's hand made it's way to my face and cupped my cheek, gently turning my head. I stared directly into those capturing eyes, my heart flipped at the worry and hurt look my mate was giving me.

I just wanted to make that look go away forever.

I was losing control...

Just a second later my control was gone. I smashed my lips onto my mates, trying to kiss the pain away. That was all it took for Sam's arm's to wrap around my waist, crushing our bodies together. Our kiss was anything but gentle physically, but mentally it was gentle and sweet.

I pulled away breathless, happy to be in my mates arms even if it was just for that moment.

"I've missed you so much, Carmen. I can't ever be away from you again. I'm never letting you out of my sight again, and I don't give a damn what our packs think. We are meant to be. That's the point of mates. You are my one true love, and your gender doesn't matter."

I smiled softly. It's been a while since I've heard one of her mini speeches.

"Samantha..." I trailed off, only to have her crash her lips to mine again.


Shocker! I know! Carmens a lezzy! @##%(#%-:/@67@7!

..No, I'm not a lesbian. Ive just always wanted to read something with mates the same sex. And gay guys are too overused on wattpad. Bleh.

And please do not leave some homophobic comment. Homophobes aren't welcome here. (lol) okay thats all.

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