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I jumped out of the car and scurried into the airport. Seán's flight just landed and I had to find his terminal before he gathered his belongings from the baggage carousel. I pushed my way through the crowds of people inside of LAX, darting my eyes across the signs to try and find the right one. Among the chaos, I see a familiar fluff of black hair. I hurry towards him.

I sneak up behind him and jump on his back yelling, "HI SEÁN I MISSED YOU!!" He stumbles forward as he tries to collect his balance and support my weight.

"Hi, Jax, miss you too, now get the fuck off me," he chuckles. I hop down and pull him into a real hug. He ruffles my hair with his hand before we pull away.

"How were your flights?" I asked, my voice singsonged.

He rolled his eyes as he saw his luggage boringly passing by on the conveyor belt. "The first one was bumpy, the second one contained a screaming child that insisted it make the loudest noise for the entirety of the flight. But, I made it here in one piece, so they were good," he told me as he collected his things.

"Theeere's the PMA I know and love!" I patronized, helping him carry his bags. We walked to the car and I told him about my day so far. I had the majority of my things at the new house already and had started putting my room together, as well as some of the decorations I took with me.

We loaded Seán's stuff into my car and hopped in. "Guess I'm gonna have to get used to these weird American cars now, huh," Seán said as he fastened his seat belt.

"Hey! Don't make fun of my Xterra! It's been through a lot! But yes, you European weirdo," I defended, putting the car in drive and maneuvering my way through the LAX traffic.

"Hey, do you remember when we became friends? After my shoutout?" he asked over the moderately loud sound of heavy metal coming from my radio. I giggled at his question.

"Yeah, when I kindly send you a few messages on YouTube because I wanted to be friends with 'that funny Irish kid that got a shoutout from PewDiePie'," I joked, hearing him scoff from the passenger seat.

"Kindly sent a few messages, yeah, that's how I would describe harassing my comments until I messaged you," he retorted. "But I'm pleased to know you think I'm funny."

I recalled talking to Seán for the first time. Back then, I knew him as Jack. Seán's a gaming YouTuber, better known as jacksepticeye to his enormous following. I was a huge fan of PewDiePie back then, and when Felix was doing shoutouts, Seán really caught my eye. I thought he was hysterical, and saw a lot of myself in him. So, after he got the shoutout, I ran right over to his YouTube channel and started commenting on every single one of his videos, sometimes leaving multiple comments. Eventually, he messaged me and 'thanked' me for the support. That night, we talked for hours, trying to one-up each other with comedy. The next morning, I woke up to another message from him, and the rest was history.

"You already knew I think you're funny, shithead," I laughed back at him.


It was later in the evening now, and Seán and I basically moved in all of our things. The house was really coming together. We were lucky to rent it pre-furnished, so none of us had to buy any essential furniture. We still had a few suitcases to unpack, but Mark had texted Seán and told him he was on his way, so we decided to stop and order some pizza until he got here. We were halfway through the pizza and our third episode of Rick and Morty when we heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" I yelled, jumping up from the couch and wiping the pizza grease on my jeans.

"Alright, but don't scare him away by yelling in his face, he gets that enough from me," Seán joked, pausing the episode.

I scurried to the door and ran my fingers through my hair. I took a breath and swung the door open. Standing before me was a muscular Korean man, a few inches taller than me. He had beautiful, sultry, chocolate brown eyes hidden behind circular framed glasses and smiled at me with the whitest teeth I had ever seen. His skin was warmly tanned and his body was toned. He had a patchy, brambly beard that was the most thick right around his jawline (which was also impressive). His hair was a dark, curly mess on top of his head and he smelled like the Earth after it rains. I caught my breath between my teeth. "Hi, I'm Mark."

Oh dear.

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