chapter 2

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*andys pov*

i look in the mirro at my ice blue eyes and holding on to my half heart neckless thinking about what i found out the other night.

*falsh back*

andy: what do you mean i have a 17 year old half sister that has no idea im her brother?!

hospital: we were informed by our birth dad about it the other day. he told us to countacted you and tell you. he said somthing about her having the other half of your neckless or something.

andy: how can i find her i need to find out more about her.

hospital: thats all we have about her. your father does not keep in countact with her just like he dosent with you. he told us she looks alot like you and she lives some where in nj.

andy: if you get any more info pleas let me know.

*end of flash back*

"dude calm on we need to go" ashley calls from the other room. he walks in and can thell what im thinking about. hes the only one i told. "andy dont worry we will find her sooner or later."

"i know ash. i know."

*Angie pov*

thusday setember/9/12

*BEEB BEEB BEEB* "damn it i dont want to go to school" i shout as i hit my alarm to shut it up. i crawl out of bed not to willingly. i hop in the shower. i look at all the scars on my body, last time i counted there were 219 not counting the words. water ran into new wonuds from last night. "eeerrr" i winced at the pain. i have been cuting since i was 10. my real dad just left when i was 9 no goodby or anything. he calls me here and there sends me gifts on my b-day. i never see him tho.

i asked him time after time to get me away from here but he says he cant. he tells me to always ware the half heart neckless, i have no clue who has the other half my dad woulnt tell me. since he left things got bad. my mom stoped careing about me, she maried cory whos an acholic and beats me ever day, and i became suisidle.

i got out of the shower and did my hair and make up just like bvb's makeup. i put on the bvb ribcage shirt, my a day to remaber jacket my 3 braclets from last night plus more and black skinys. as i was puting on my convers i got at text from bay.

b- are me and my soon to be husben takeing you to school or are you going in your hurse?

A- im takeing my car tell jack i say hi.

i left the house and got into my hearse that has black veil brides decails all over it. (if you cant tell by now there my favorite band) i pluged in my ipod and The Morticians Daughter sarted to play. i love this song since i am a morticians daughter. i started to sing

"I sit here and smile dear.

I smile because I think of you, I blush.

These bleeding hollow dials, this fuss.

Fuss is made of miles and travels when roadways are but stones and gravel.

A bleeding heart can conquer every grudge."

i held onto my half heart neckless as i start to cry. at school i sall the only friend i had left in school. (jack and bay are a year ahead of me) "hey alex" he was tall black hair that coverd his face. he had an asking alexandria shirt on as normal and black skinys. we went to class. thank god we have ever class togather.

i go to a technical school we have "shopes" or crear majors. me and alex are both in welding. the day went normal me and alex would skip down the hall with are armes intwined with each other acting like complet crazy people. kids laughed and made fun of us calling us gay, emo, losers, loners, and freaks. when we hurd freak me and alex sang "thank you so much we take that as a complement." the kids who said it jaws droped and there eyes widedend. we were i last class witch is gym were the troble starts.

lily the popurlar kid who hates my guts because im bestfriends with her ex and he and bay are dateing. she blams there breakup on me and she bullies me because she thinks she should be the one marring jack not bay. she walks over to me alex got called to the office so i had no back up. " hi freak. hows life being beten like a dog treating you." i just stair at my shoes that have the batman simbole on them. "so i see you havernt killed your schelf yet. you know you rely should no one will miss you. no one loves you. you dont have real friends they just talk to you because they fell bad." her friends laughed and they staried to walk away.

"ankle biter" i spat the words out she turnd on her heals he blond pony tail hiting her friend in the face. she slaped me.

"you fucking bitch watch who your talking to" she was standing on her toes so she could get in my face. i grinned.

"fuck off and leve me a lone you 2 foot tall plastic, bra stuffing bitch." she was a bout to say something then i cut her off. "or do you want me to tell the hole school about your pragnetcy scary you had when you were dateing jack and you and him never fucked yet.?" she walked off.

i found alex and we went back to my place to study. "tomarroys the big counsert" alex said smileing ear to ear. he knows how i get.

i was jumping up and down on my bed "i know i cant fucking whait" i stop dead in my tracks. "what am i going to ware?!" we went to my closet and got an offite for tomarroy. we picked out a corset that was covers in studs and chains. a black tutu that had red lights on it. riped up black tites and fishnet. my black and red fluffies that also have lights on them. my black veil brides hat jacket and conves. we put bvb and vampire pins on the corset. i love alex he now ecatly what to have me were.

"can it be tomarroy alrady?" i asked whineing like a little kid.

My half brother happens to be Andy sixx!Where stories live. Discover now