chapter 4

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*andys pov*

we were still at the hospital and her dad still never showed. its been an hower since i called him. i took out my phone and texted my best friend lucas. i have known this kid since we were in dipers. he kind looks like me. he alwas wares black, he has long black hair that he teases, he has snakebites, an nose ring, 2 kinds of toung rings, angel bites, 00 gagues and he has his brige of his nose done. his eyes are just like mine but bluer. i think hes thiner then me to but he is strong relly strong he can bet all of us in arm wrsaling. he has a band call the fallen angels that i helped him start up. theres something difrent about him but you can find that out on your own. after i sent the text he called me. "andy!? whats wroung?! what happennn???? where are you me and the guys are comeing?!" he was panicing.

"dude calm down im ok. im at warren hosptial. we fonud my sister but shes hurt can you come down here i relly need you?" i was still crying

"ya andy we will be there in like 5 mins" in no time at all him and 4 skiny guys dressed in all black and makeup ran in. i told him and his band ever thing that happen. 45 mintes passed since fallen angles got here and angies and my father walked in.

"andy im sorry i toke so long. im jeff. is angie ok? whait who are all these people?" our father said

"this is ashley, cc, jinxx and jake there in my band black veil brides." i said pointing at the guys

"i know who they are you guys are all that angie talks about but who are they?" he points at fallen angels.

"oh thats lucas, alexle, vlad, matt, and even. there fallen angels. lucas is a long time bestfriend of mine." i said

then the dr. comes out and calls me over. jeff fallows. "are you angies dad?" the dr asked jeff. he just nodes. "angie will be ok but she has 3 broken ribs and her leg is ok just rely beat up. we need to call soical sirveses because it seams like she was abused." i clentched my fists. im going to kill who ever did this to her!

"i think it was her step dad. she lives with him and her mother. i cant take her with me is there someone eles who can?" that pissed me off.

"your her fucking father and you cant let your daugter who is abused by her step dad live with you?! i thought it was fucking bad you gave me up but now your giveing her up??!!" i turend to the dr. "can she live with me since i am her half brother and all?"

"yes she can ill talk to the social worker." with that the dr walked off.

"andy im sorry but i cant have kids i work to much and i never stay in one place to long." jeff was rely pissing me off.

"i work ever day of my life! i live on a bus! i do not stay in the same state for less then a month becasuse im on tour with my FAMOUS band! but i can make time for her!" with that i fliped him off and walked to angies room to tell her ever thing. her face lit up when she sall me and the 2 bands. i sat on her bed and told her EVER THING. she cryied and i held her. she was happy i was her brother tho. i looked up and sall lucas was still in the door way while ever one was around her bed. "dude you ok?"

"y-ya just i need air" his eyes were extremly sad.

*Angie pov*

andy told me hows hes my brother and that im going to live with him and the band . my dream is comeing true XD. he intordused me to everone. lucas and his band seems like theres something odd about them. it feels i know lucas from some where or that i known him since i was little. ever one was around my bed extcapt him.

"dude you ok?" andy asked him

"y-ya i just need air" his pretty eyes looked so sad like someone just broke his heart. he ran out. his band ran after him. i felt bad but there was nothing i could do. he is so HOT i mean hes hotter then ashley or andy. ew i think my brothers hot. OMFG I HAD A CRUSH ON MY BROTHER!!!  eeeeewwwww. well what ever haha. but i rely want to get to know lucas he seems nice. oh shit! i need to text jack, bay, and alex so they know where im at and im ok!

My half brother happens to be Andy sixx!Where stories live. Discover now