chapter 7

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*lucas pov* 

she fell into my arms after he hit her. i gave her to andy and attacked her step dad. he fell to the ground and i was on top of him, punching and clawing at his face. i broke skin. there was blood and alot, i felt my fangs come out and my claws started to show. i let out a loud growl as my band pulled me off of him.

"lucas stop! if angie wakes up and sees you all wolf and vampire afide she will be scared shitless!" some one screamed at me i was to pissed to know who. angie stated waking up and was covering he face with her hands.

"im going to fucking kill him!" i said as someone pushed me out of the house.

"go cool off well get her stuff and take care of her." it was andy talking i think. befor he said anything eles i turend into my wolf form and ran off into the woods behind angies house.

*angies pov*

i hured lucas yelling and them walking out of the house. i got up and fallowed andy and lucas. lucas looked mad, and there was something off about him. "go cool off well get her stuff and take care of her." andy said then lucas turend....he turend into a wolf... and he ran off into the woods. andy turned and sall me standing there. "d-dont be scared angie."

i ran off to my secret spot no one knew about in the woods. i needed to be alone. i needed to think about this. i got to an open medow with black roses ever ware and a wepping willow in the middle. i ran to the tree and ploped down and leand my back on the trees trunk. i was so confused and scared, but i wasnt at the same time. my head was pounding. i took of my jaket and angerly tossed it somewhere random. i started riping off my band braclets. i grabed the razor i hiden in the trees and started cuting, cuting alot. i brought my wrist up to my mouth and bit the cuts. i started drinking the blood. it made me fell better idc why i just did, i liked the taste. i stoped and lifted my head slowly when i hured a noise. it couldnt be andy no one could find me out here they would get lost. when i looked up all the way there was a wolf staring right back at me. the wolf was black with red markings it was biger then normal wolfs, and when i say biger i mean alotttt biger. it was just siting there with its head to the side kinda like it was qustioning what it was looking at. i looked into its eyes, it seemed sad. its blue eyes looked so lost and eamty. it let out a small wine. it was looking at my blood covered arm. then i relized it was lucas. i jumped up.

"please dont be scared." he said but it wasint out lode it was in my head.

"what are you?!" i screamed. i was crying. he turned back to his normal schelf. it was so hard to be mad at him.

" fallen angle please let me explan, or atleat let u remaber." his eyes pleaded to let me let him talk.

"remaber what?" i grabed my arm, it hurt so bad.

"let me take care of that 1st please." he said pointing at my arm. i noticed he hade razo shape fangs and he looked.....hungry?

i stade how i was for a few seconds and then i let him fix me. he took off his shirt and riped it in half. my eyes explored his exsposed damn is all i got to say. he had scars all over tho, i didnt mind them they didnt make him less hoter at all, that atualy made hi look tuffer. "angie you may find what im going to do tottaly grosse but theses wounds are to deep and i need to heal thim now." he said and then he started licking my arms. he licked up all the blood and started traceing my cuts with his tong and they started healing. before i relized what i was doing i let out a soft moan. i felt him smille on my arm. "someone liked that" he said looking me in the eyes still likeing my healing cuts. i turnd beat red and hid my face in my hair. when he was done he sat next to me and pulled me on his lap so i was stradaling him. he brushed my hair out of my face and away from my neck. he had this huge grin he was planing something.

"what are u planing?" i asked he didnt awnser insted he moved his mouth to my ear and wisperd.

"you still scared of me angle?"

"let me remaber."

"i need to do something a little scary in order to do that." he said he sounded sad.

"what?" he flashed his fangs and taped his fingers on my neck. i gupled and pulled my hair back relizing what he was saying. i needed to say something funny to brake the tension.

"i got to warn you i find biteing verey kinky." i gigled

"i know you do" he said and lowerd his mouth on my neck. how did he know that? then i felt his lips on my neck. it sent chills down my spine. good chills. he kissed my neck for a while snd started sucking on it and niping but not braking skin. and i moaned agin. damn he drives me crazy and i barly know him. he smiled agin. "grab my arm angle this might hurt....or fell rely rely good." i hurd him gigle slightly at him schelf for the dirty coment he made. i did i was told, i grabed his arm with one hand and my other was in his hair. his fangs brushed arosed my skin and it felt amazing. then i felt a sharp horibla pain of his fangs going into my skin but then i was overcome with blissfull sweet feeling. i let out a lode moan and i think he did to as he drank my blood deep. then the memories started flooding in. i could suddlenly remaber all the dreams i could never remaber after i woke up. now i know why it felt like i knew lucas from somewere. the images stoped and lucas was still drinking. i griped his hair tighter caz the pleaser from the bite was growing. after a few minutes he relased my neck and looked me in they eyes. both my hand where in his hair now.

"do you hate me now for makeing you forget and then when we actualy meet i didnt tell you?" a small bit of blood was on his lips i wiped it off with my thumb and let him lick it off.

"no lucas i could never hate you. im a little mad but i will get over it."

"are...are you scared of what i am?" he looked so sad and scared that i would say yes.

"at first i was but that was because i was cunfused and i didnt know what was going on. but now i know and im not afried. for god sakes you should know i love vampires!" we just sat there for awhile looking at each other and then things got stemy. he fliped me over so i was laying on my back and he hoved over me. he and i both liked our ips at the same time then we started roghley makeing out.his hands where on my hips and mine one of mine was in his hair pulling it and the other was leveing sratch marks on his bare back. i bit his lip and he let a small growl/moan. that was fucking hottt. i started kissing up and down his neck looking for his sweet spot and then he let out a moan he was trying to hold back. "found it" i said with a smerk. i started sucking and niping at it. and he let out another glow/moan. then i bit down hard on his neck, he gasped my name and turend us over so i was lieing on top of him.

he crashed his lips onto mine agin. he liked my bottom lip beging for entry but i desided to tease him and keeped my mouth closed. he growld at me, it was adoribal. he bit my bottom lip and a gasped he took his chance and we had a toung war, he won ofchores....gggrrrr i will win next time i sware.

he started tuging at the bottom of my shirt. i gladly took it off. but as soon as i did i had to put it back on because my anoying brother had to fucking call me now. lucas growled at my phone and i sat up and awnserd it.

"are you ok? where are you?" and yelled into the phone.

"calm down im fine im with lucas."

"ok. whait your not mad at him? come back we have all your stuff and we need to get redy for the show and drop u off to meet you friends and shit."

"alright we will meet you at the bus in 10 mins." i hung up the phone and me and lucas started to walk back hand in hand. im so happy he let me remaber everthing finaly!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2012 ⏰

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