Chapter 4

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Minako's Pov:

Its been 6 days since (Y/N) and I spent time together in the ice rink he wont even look at me for a second i followed him and saw he was hanging out with a guy named sally I paced in my room then looked at my wooden desk it had picture of this sally guy and (Y/N) hanging out with him and three more people i felt my blood boil ad i walk up to my desk i glare at a picture of sally and picked it up

Minako:You will never have him.

I silently said as i tore it up then shove all the pictures off of my desk some of my picture frames of (Y/N) when we were in japan got shoved along hitting the carpeted floor with a thud making the glass crack i pulled open my drawer and picked up a pink box cutter (that he may or may not have stolen from (Y/N)) i turned around and stomped my way to my closet and slide the door open seeing my sister tied up in her chair she looked at me her eyes were red and her face was puffy

Minako:Chill out im just gonna get something...

I said as she tried to move out of my way i walked to an old looking cardboard box 'KEEP OUT!' was written on with a 'red marker' stain on the side i kneeled down and searched the box but what i was looking for inside wasnt there i started to panic


I panicked and looked at sayuri she was scared for her life i stood up and untied the the cloth preventing her to speak


Sayuri:I-I dont k-know

She trembled twitched and as i kicked her i knew she was lying she always twitched when she does

Minako:Your lying TELL ME

She twitched even more as i stopped and stared at her her arms and neck were covered in bruises and cuts while her legs were almost all cuts she trembled even more i push the blade of the box cutter half way out and placed it at her neck

Minako:Tell me.

Sayuri:o-kay okay...m-mom...took it and hid it somewhere but i dont know where...

I put the box cutter off her neck placed it at her cheek

Minako:Rule 3 dont keep secrets from me bitch i might as well kill you for disobeying....but i wont.

I said and made a cut on her cheek and tied the cloth back on her then caressed her bleeding wound

Minako:You should of accepted that Haku guy... Then this woudnt have happen

Tears were making their way down her face and getting in her wound making her flinch from the salty water making it sting

Minako:Anata no shi wa hijo ni sugu ni kurudarou,shinpaishinaidekudasai anata wa Haku to issho ni iru koto ga dekimasu {Dont worry dear sister your death will come very soon then you can be with Haku}

I said then left my dear sister crying in my closet i look at the skattered pictures and cracked picture frames i picked up my heart shaped picture framed and looked at the picture it was me and (Y/N) in elementary school the glass was cracked completely i caress the young (Y/N) on the picture

I know its short its 9:10 pm at night and i have school and a play to do tomorrow but i wanted to make a small update

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