actions speak louder than words.

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It was the second war between man and supernatural

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It was the second war between man and supernatural. A war no one expected to make another sudden appearance.

Liam was ready. He had trained for this with his pack for so long. He would help Corey research for more information about how to use his invisibility to his advantage, he would help Mason with hand-to-hand combat skills, he met up with Hayden, who arrived back at home not long ago, and practiced controlling her abilities with her. He was ready, there was no beating his pack anymore.

But the confidence he possessed was later overshadowed by his fear. His step father had always been the one to remind him that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Liam would just nod, pretend like he was okay, and try to move on.

But he couldn't. The thought of having to fight humans again, the remembrance of how much blood there would be splattered on walls and ceilings around him made his stomach lurch.

The exhaustion of waiting for the hunters to invade Beacon Hills was incredible, the young pack waited anxiously as they checked around for any sign of hunters for the twentieth day in a row. No one knew when they were coming.

Liam thought they should give up. It was the now the thirtieth day and the hunters still didn't make any attack. Maybe they were jumping to conclusions. They could never be sure.

"Liam, but what if they do attack Beacon Hills?" Hayden cried as Liam began to walk out of the hospital. "I'd feel like I've failed everyone. We all would,"

Liam watched as Mason and Corey nodded in agreement to what Hayden had said. He grunted and rolled his eyes to suggest his annoyance. "And what if they don't come? We would be waiting around for something that's never going to happen!"

And as if on cue, a loud explosion was heard, the impact of it throwing the young pack so far up in the air that they landed harshly on the ground, and Liam felt one of his bones crack. The high pitched ringing in his ears were unbearable, and he thought that if he pressed his palms down hard enough against his ears, he would stop hearing it.

He looked up through the cloud of smoke and used his best effort to see through it, just in time to see Alexander, the leader of the hunters, raise his gun to Liam's head.

Liam thought that was it. He was going to die. He could feel the stares coming from the rest of the pack as the tall hunter loaded his gun. He could hear Hayden's screams, and his heart broke at the sound of Mason's cries. He had accepted death in that moment. But when he closed his eyes and waited for the bullet to strike him, he felt himself being pulled up off from the ground, and dragged harshly across the floor, chucked into a closing elevator.

Liam opened his eyes and let out a spluttering cough, having inhaled too much of the smoke. He found the energy to crane his neck upwards, and his wide eyes clearly displayed his shock. Because standing there, covered head to toe in dust and burn marks, was him.

Theo Raeken.

"T-Theo?" Liam managed to stutter out, his expression of shock seemed to be permanent on his face. Theo walked over to him and grabbed his underarms, hauling him back up to his feet. Theo caught him when he fell, and helped Liam lean against the wall of the elevator.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Theo fussed, assessing every inch of Liam's body with his emerald eyes. Theo seemed to relax when he didn't find any bullet wounds, and looked back up to meet the young beta's eyes.

"I didn't know you cared." Liam muttered, holding onto the rail behind him for support.

"Don't play dumb, Liam. You know I care."

He was right. Liam was pretending to be oblivious for the sake of his own heart. He couldn't give in to Theo, every time he looked at him, he was reminded about how Theo, the worlds most selfish creature, sacrificed his own life for Liam's. Not once, but twice. Liam was forever in his debt. But what Liam couldn't understand was why. Why did Theo risk his life for Liam? Was it because he felt like he owed him? Was it out of pure survival? Or was it just a coincidence?

Or maybe it was out of love.

Liam had hoped for the last one.

"Why? Why you care so much about me? I'm not special. I'm not unique. I'm not a brave alpha like Scott, I'm not practical like Stiles, and I'm certainly not strong and smart like you. So why try to save my life?" Liam let out, inhaling after the long speech he had been dying to say.

Theo stood there for a moment, his mouth opening to speak, but no words came out. He finally mustered up the ability to say something, "Because I love you, Liam Dunbar."

"What?" Liam spat, staggering back as he struggled to take in the information.

"I know you don't want to hear it. I know you couldn't care less about my feelings. But I can't hide them, especially my from you." Theo explained, his hands balled into fists at his side. "And I'm not expecting you to say it back. I wouldn't blame you if you walked away now and never spoke to me again. In fact, you can shut me out. I deserve it."

And for a moment, Liam felt a burst of emotion. He needed to do something, and he needed to do it now. Or else he would never forgive himself. With the confidence he never knew he had, Liam strode towards Theo, and in mid-speech, he grabbed Theo's face and presses his own lips against his.

Their world stopped spinning. It felt like it was only them. Alone. It was something that had to be done. An example of how actions speak louder than words.

For Liam Dunbar was too, in love with Theo Raeken.

𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆 , 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝖺𝗆 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now