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— listen to 'lost without you' by Freya Ridings while reading to get in the mood of it!
"Just calm down, Liam!"
"Calm down?" Liam shouted at his boyfriend Theo, because nothing angered him more than being told to calm down when he was perfectly calm.
"You're overreacting." Theo stated, raising the bottle of beer up to his lips, taking a small sip. He hated the taste of beer, but if it distracted him from this boring and unnecessary argument he was having with Liam, then he would have a whole bucket full.
"I'm overreacting? Theo, when was the last time we actually did anything together? You're always with these people! Would you rather hang out with them instead of me?" Liam argued, pointing his finger at Theo accusingly.
"What do you mean?" He laughed, placing his beer on the table. His attention went back to Liam. "I always hang out with you!"
"When? Tell me the last time we hung out?" Liam tested, folding his arms over his chest.
"Literally two days ago!" Theo scoffed, finding Liam to be quite unbelievable right now.
"Where you ditched me to hang out with Oliver! What, have you got a thing with him now or something?" Liam accused, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Wow," Theo muttered, shaking his head. "It's not my fault you're always so jealous."
"Jealous?" Liam scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief at Theo's words. "Please, I could never be jealous of you."
Theo jerked his head back, confused. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"I mean, why would anyone want to be you? You're the person everyone would hate to be. You're all the bad traits in one!" Liam started to list, counting on his fingers. "You're the one everyone is told to avoid. The worst kind of person, so why the hell, would I ever be jealous of you?"
Theo couldn't speak. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Theo was hurt, and Liam could tell, filling with immediate regret.
"Hey, wait Theo-" Liam started to say, but Theo just waved his boyfriend off, walking to the door.
"Yeah maybe you're right, Liam. I'm what everyone is scared to be." Theo mumbled, his hand balled into a fist. "I'm completely useless,"
But before Liam could talk, Theo stormed out their house and slammed the door behind him.
Liam knew that Theo wouldn't go far, he'd probably go by an abandoned house and let his anger out by throwing rocks at the walls, or he would sit by the river and watch the water flow down one end to the other. Either way, Liam knew he'd be back soon.
But he wasn't. He didn't come back.
And Liam would have given anything to take back what he said. He would have traded his soul to take back what he said Theo, because if he hadn't hurt Theo the way he did, then maybe Theo would have come back.
Liam's whole body shook and ached when he found Theo lying on the leaf-scattered ground of the woods in Beacon Hills, his legs twisted in unnatural angles. His emerald green eyes were wide open, staring into nothing. So lifeless, so empty, Liam couldn't believe that was Theo. His Theo.
For Theo Raeken, Beacon Hills bad boy, ex-villain and perfect boyfriend, could not be dead. He was so brave, so strong and skilled. He could fight his way through anything and everything. He could sneak out of doing things, smart his way out of an argument by winning it, and fight until his whole body was weak.
He was indestructible. Invincible. Immortal.
Theo Raeken could not just die.
But reality hit Liam like a truck, and Liam cried like he had never cried before. He crouched on the ground beside Theo, loud sobs escaping his lips, regret and guilt filling his whole body, so that he shook like a leaf. He cradled Theo's body in his arms, his face buried into the crook of his limp neck. He clutched his chest and arms, pulling Theo closer, as if that would some how revive him.
If Liam had never been so protective, or so jealous, Theo wouldn't have walked out. Theo wouldn't have gone to the woods. Theo wouldn't have died.
"Theo," Liam whispered, his voice breaking so much that he knew he wouldn't have it for long. He cupped Theo's pale face in his hands, looking at the dried crimson blood that coated most of his face. "Please, please don't leave me. I need you. I'll always need you."
Liam cried again, for longer, and harder. His heart felt as if it had shattered into a million tiny pieces, and could never be fixed. He had never felt pain like this before, nothing like this. He was too young to be going through this, heck, he was only seventeen. Even though he was young, he had his whole future planned and mapped out. And it all included Theo.
They were going to graduate, Liam after Theo as he was younger. They were going to stay in Beacon Hills, to work with Deaton and to keep the town safe from all villains. They were going to get their own apartment, beside Mason and Corey, and they were going to help Liam and Corey get into a lacrosse college. Theo was going to work at the vet alongside Deaton, helping him find things out about the supernatural. They were going to be happy. They were going to get married and adopt a child. They were going to live a long life. It was their plan, their deal. Their promise.
"You broke your promise, Theo!" Liam wailed, holding Theo's limp and heavy body in his arms, so tightly he could crush him. "You promised we would grow old together. Why didn't you keep your promise?"
Silence followed, and Liam had stopped crying. He had no tears to cry, not emotions to display, no feelings anymore. He felt empty, and he felt sick. So sick. He stared at Theo's glassy eyes, and raised his fingertips over his eyelids, before closing them gently, letting him drift of into a sleep that would last forever.
And he stayed there. He ignored how hungry he got, how much his stomach begged for food and how much his throat cried for water. He stayed sitting on the ground, and just held Theo in his arms, looking up at the stars. He stayed there until the police came, trying to drag him away from Theo, to which he refused with all his effort. He stayed until he felt so sick he couldn't move.
He stayed because he couldn't leave Theo. Not ever. It wasn't supposed to end like this.
So Liam made a promise. He promised to visit his grave everyday. He promised to tell him about his day, about his progress. He promised to never stop loving him, to keep him in his heart forever.
"I'll love you forever, Theo." Liam mumbled, looking up into the sky, watching the one star in the dark night glow. "I promise."
- Brb I'm gonna go rip my heart out and feed it to the coyotes