Telling people...

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Erikas sitting up in bed on her phone and jake walks in with flowers
E-Oh hi
J-Hey Princess
J-I got flowers for you
Jake smiles and puts them in a vase on her bed side table and sits next to her on the bed
J-So you told me we need to talk?
E-Uhm... yeah and jake ... I really don't want you to freak out or anything! Because I can't be asked to shout at you
Erika gives him the scan and pregnancy test
Jake puts it on the bed and leaves
Sh-Hey rik are you okay? Jake told us u were sick
Btw Remeber Shannon's her sister!! But she's 18 n has her own apartment
E-Yeah I'll be fine
Sh-Why did he storm out?
Erika shows her the pregnancy test and
Sh-Oh rik!
Shannon hugs her
Sh-Your gonna be a great mom I promsie you
E-Thanks... dads gonna hate me
Sh-Hes home ur better off telling him quick as
Erika takes the scan
D-Hey darling
E-Hi dad
D-your mother told me you needed to speak to me
They all sit down
E-Uhm dad I'm pregnant
D-YOUR PREGANNT? Young lady your 14! Your defintley not living her u can fucking pack your stuff and leave !!
Erika walks upstairs
Sh-Wanna come live with me ?
E-No... I can't rely on you Shannon I'm 14 I'll sort my life out some how
Sh-Erika ur gonna be fucking homeless
E-Not like anyone cares
Sh-Well I do please Erika your not doing good for yourself or your baby
Erika packs the stuff she needs and leaves with Shannon and Pam texts her
Pam🖤-Hey sweetheart jake told me about it and I hope your okay and I'm thinking of your and your best luck with the pregnancy I'm proud of you that your keeping this going and I hope your okay I'm always here when you need anything x
Erika🖤-Thankyou Pam x🖤
End of messages
Sh-Stay here as long as you need
Sh-Your welcome

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