Jakes pov- It's been around 6 months later and Erika invited me Elsie and Joseph round and Blake was arrested around a month ago Jo-I don't want to see mommy J-No Joseph Don't Be mean Jo-okay Jake baths jospeh and Elsie and gets them dressed Joseph's outift But his jogging bottoms were in shorts cuz it's la and it's very hot lol x
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Elsie's outift
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El-can I take my iPad? J-Yes you can El-Yay! Jake smiles and gets in the car and buckles then up in there car seats and goes to Erikas house Ja-Elsie! Joseph The 3 of them hug E-Your father has good choice in girls outifts J-I do don't I *Laughs* E-sure 😂 Jake and Erika laugh Ja-what's it like living with dad? Jo-Amazing we get baths! El-and ipads! Well I do! Jo-I get one for 2 birthday Ja-cool! E-Thankyou... for everything J-It's fine I love them lots Jake sits down J-Elsie... Joseph El-yeah? J-maybe you should come back to live with your mother and jax El-NO! Jo-but i don't want to! El-Why? Why do we suddenly have to come back here? This was all a fun game for you? Daddy we love living with you! J-You can come visit whenever all 3 of you as long as your mom says it's fine Elsie walks upstairs and sits in her room and cries looking at pictures of her and Jake Ja-daddy.. if I wanted to maybe could I come visit? J-of course buddy Jax hugs jake and jake walks to Elsie's room J-darling I'm sorry El-You got us attached and your leaving us again *cries* why do you have to do go? Why don't you want us J-Because you have a mom to Elsie El-then we can visit mommy! J-talk to your mother not me Elsie walks downstairs El-mommy would you mind if I lived with daddy? E-as long as you come to visit or we get to visit You El-of course! Jo-me to... please mommy! Erika picks Joseph up and hugs him E-of course you can Erika kisses both there checks and Jake walks downstairs J-You look after your mom okay? Ja-Okay... Jake hugs jax J-And I'll buy you an iPad okay? Jax nods and he falls asleep on jake J-Just like when you were born Jake lays him on the sofa with some blankets and Jake hugs Erika J-Take care beautiful you know where I am if you ever need me E-Thankyou Erika kisses his cheeck Jake smiles and leaves with the kids who fell asleep m there car seats and so he quickly takes Joseph and then Elsie I'm and puts them on the sofa bed in the living room and puts blankets over them and he watches tv El-daddy J-yeah? El-Will you and mommy ever fall in love again? Elsie sits up and jake sits next to her and holds her hands J-it's hard to even put into words... I've never stopped loving your mother and I never will stop loving her El-Then why don't you tell her? J-It's life sweetheart your mom wouldn't love me back like that