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E-Awe Jake smiles J-Let me carry him in his car seat E-Why? J-Cuz u didn't even give birth to him a day ago and your in pain E-Fine J-Thankyou Jake puts him in his car seat E-Give him this it's cold out there Jake puts his blanket on him and gives him a pacifer and he starts sucking it J-Awe buddy E-I hope he has blonde hair J-Why? E-Cuz I hate my hair 😂 J-I like your hair tho E-Hmmm and omg blonde hair blue eyes!! J-Basicaly a mini me E-Yes omg mini jakeyyy Jake laughs J-Do u have a name for little boy yet? E-Nope he's not just mine you gotta help me with his name jake J-I know babe Jake picks up his car seat and holds Erikas hand and they sign out and get in the jeep J-Erika don't hurt yourself let me help you E-Jake I'm a woman J-Exactly E-Sometimes I really wanna hit you Jake laughs and buckles his car seat in and helps Erika in the jeep and go and get food through the drive way and go home with it and they eat and he's sleeping like this so it's attached to Jerikas bed
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J-everyone's commenting on our posts like awee😂😂 Erika laughs E-I'm really not sure what we should name him J-Hmm...I got a few suggestions E-Shoot J-Liam , Caleb , jax E-Hmmm I like jax and Caleb J-What about jax Paul? E-Yes! OMG well done u know how to name a kid babyyy J-yep... yes Rik I do😂 Erika laughs and cuddles upto jake and she falls asleep on his chest and Jake posts this picture of them
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"I can't explain my love for this girl it really is un real!🥰 you've helped me through the most toughest times in my life and made it better honestly I'm proud of you for still sticking with me cuz I know I can be a pain in the back side sometimes 😂 but you know me better than anyone else does❤️You're gonna be an amazing mom I love you❤️" Erika woke up while Jake was writing it J-Oh wow didn't realise you were awake rik😂😂 Erika laughs and her phone beeps E-wonder who the notifications from 😂 Jake laughs And Erika gets her phone and looks at it and reads it and comments "I love you to🥰❤️" E-OMG J-What?... E-It's literaly your birthday tmrw what the frick! J-babe I don't want anything off you E-Tough luck J-Really it's not like you can drive yet anyways so haha E-I can call an Uber haha J-Ughhh really Babe E-Yes Jake! Your my boyfriend J-Okay? E-And it's your birthday even if I have to walk I'll do it J-Somtimes I dislike you a lot E-How do u think I feel about you J-Hate me alot😂 E-Exactly😂 J-I'll take you E-Oh Thankyou babe😂😒 J-You can't take him in E-I'm very aware J-Okkk Erika gets changed and ready and puts socks and a coat on jax and jax puts him in the car seat and he drives Erika to the mall E-Thankyou finally J-Ur welcome Erika smiles and grabs her phone and purse and walks in and jax starts crying J-Of course you start crying when she leaves Jake gets out the car and goes to Jaxs side and gets him out and sits in the front seat cradling him J-Why do u like sucking things? You weirdo Jax starts opening his eyes J-Awe bubs your so cute Jax gives a slight smile to Jake and jax sucks his own finger J-Your mom will feed you when she gets back Have this tho Jake puts a pacifer in his mouth and removes the finger and wipes it with some baby protective wipes and Erika gets back with a lot of bags J-Really E-Yep!*Smiles* Erika puts them in the boot and gets in the car E-did he start crying? J-What do u think E-Yes J-Yep as soon as you left I'm pretty sure he's hungry Erika feeds him {Breast feeds}