Chapter 12 - Find me

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Mira's POV

Someone approached me and held my hair back while I was vomiting. I couldn't see who was him, but I knew it was Draco from his scent.

I straightened and placed my hand on my stomach, grimacing by bad taste in my mouth.

"Are you better?" Draco asked, worried.

"Yes. Probably, sea sickness." I replied and walked towards the sink counter.

I washed my face. I felt better now.

Once I wiped my face with a towel, looking at myself in the mirror, I saw Draco staring at me in the mirror, his hand in his pocket, concern in his eyes.

"You should go to the doctor. You have fainted before. Now this." He stated.

I placed the towel on its place and turned towards Draco.

"I am fine. Don't worry." I said dryly. He frowned.


"Mira?" David called me, interrupting Draco.

"Umm...I have to go." I mumbled.

He opened and closed his mouth without saying anything. Then he nodded.


Tonight, there was a party in Draco's best friend, Milan's countryside house. David and I were invited too. Just David's and Draco's close friends were attending the party. There were going to be about ten people, including us.

I was looking around while David was talking to his friend, Luke. My gaze landed on Draco who was talking to his friend, Milan, his arm wrapped around Elva's shoulder. I couldn't bear to see them together. It made me crazy.

"Hey, let's play 'Who is who?'" A blond guy suggested. His name was Theo. He was David and Draco's common friend.

"Who is who?" I asked, puzzled.

"Yes, we always play this game. We split up into two groups: girls and boys. Then the boys pick up the notes with girl's names on them. One by one every girl covers her eyes with a scarf and tries to find who is who. Every girl has five minutes. The winner girl and the boy who she has found win dinner paid by the others." He paused and continued. "But everyone always confused David and Draco with each other. So everyone prays not to choose them." Theo said, grinning. "Ok, let's play." He clapped his hands.

Once it was my turn, I covered my eyes with the scarf.

"3...2..1. Start." Theo started the time.

I took a step towards him and placed my hands on his cheeks. I ran my hand along his face. The familiar musky scent filled my nostrils.


I stroked his cheek gently. He was breathing heavily, his muscles tense. I ran my fingers through his hair while caressing his cheek.

"Draco." I murmured and untied the scarf.

I opened my eyes and looked into his eyes. He was staring at me, his gaze intense.

"Wow!" Theo exclaimed and clapped his hands.

Everyone clapped, looking at us, surprised.

"The first girl who didn't confuse them." Theo commented. "And the winners Mira and Draco." Theo informed and everyone clapped cheerfully.

Draco cleared his throat and walked towards Elva. She gave him a sly grin.

I folded my arms over my chest as David wrapped his arm around my shoulder while we were sitting on the couch.

"Bro, why did you shave your beard? You liked keeping a beard." Theo asked and took a sip from his whiskey.

"I got bored with the girls who confused me with Draco." David sighed playfully and gave Draco a knowing smile.

"Yes, at least, your fiancée doesn't confuse you with Draco." Theo commented.

Draco choked on his whiskey. I bit my lower lip, flushing.

"Yes." David agreed and gave me a smile, pulling me closer to him. I forced a smile.

When I looked at Draco, he was staring at me, his fist clenched.

Draco's POV

I was leaning against the headboard and stroking my new tattoo on my wrist. It was a star designed with three M letters. At first sight, you couldn't understand it was created by letters M, but when you looked at it attentively, you could understand it.

Mira was my star guiding me. Now I was lost without her; I couldn't find my way.

I sighed and went downstairs. Today Elva was coming to the mansion. I invited her as David informed me that Mira was coming here.

Elva was my friend. She was a good girl. A few weeks ago, I asked her to pretend to be my girlfriend. As soon as she heard it, she instantly refused. But after I had explained to her that I was going to do it to keep Mira away from me and to make her think that I moved on, Elva accepted.

Elva and I were sitting on the couch while waiting for Mira. Meanwhile, David was working in the study room. I was sipping my whiskey, lost in my thoughts.

"Why don't you confess to David? He will understand. You and David are so close. Besides, he is a understanding, thoughtful and compassionate person." Elva said softly, interrupting my thoughts.

I raised my eyebrow in suspicion and asked mischievously. "Are you in love with my brother?"

"No. No. Where did that come from? Nothing like that." She replied quickly, blushing.

I gave her a sly grin. "Ok, if you say so."

"Yes." She mumbled and bit her lower lip, averting her gaze.

Suddenly, the doorbell hummed. The housekeeper opened the door.

I looked at Mira who looked stunning in her red mini dress. I averted my eyes, gritting my teeth as David greeted her, hugging her. I hated seeing them together. I was mad with jealousy. Seeing the woman who I loved in another man's arm made me crazy. Moreover, I couldn't touch her nor drag her out of David's arms, all of these irritated me as well.

After dinner, Elva had to leave, because her mother called and informed that her sister-in-law was in labour.

I was sipping my whiskey while David was telling us about his latest contract, his arm wrapped around Mira's shoulder.

Hold her tightly! If you leave her for a second, she will run away.

Get a grip, Draco!

She is his fiancee, of course he will touch her, hug her...kiss her and....make love. No! They didn't. No. Mira can not run into his arms right away after our night. No, she can not.

My heart tightened as I thought about it. I drank all my drink in a sip. I extended towards the whiskey bottle on the centre table.

"Hey, what is it? A new tattoo?!" David asked, looking at my tattoo.

"Umm...yeah." I mumbled and looked at Mira who was staring at my tattoo, puzzled.

"The star design looks....interesting. Is there a special meaning?" David asked, still staring at my tattoo.

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