Chapter 14 - Secret

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Mira's POV

"No." I mumbled, looking at the two lines on the stick and collapsed as tears ran down my cheeks. I covered my mouth with my hand, sobbing.

Oh my goodness! What am I going to do now? No, it must be a nightmare: Draco, David, this engagement and the baby. Yes, everything is a nighmare. I will wake up, and everything will disappear.

Fuck! Don't fool yourself, Mira! You are fucking pregnant with your brother-in-law's baby.

I got up and wiped my tears off my cheeks. I grabbed the test and walked out of the bathroom. I extended the test to the doctor.

"Congratulations." She gave me a bright smile.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I felt chilly. The doctor was saying something, but I couldn't listen to her; my mind was fuzzy.

As the doctor grabbed her bag, I said. "Umm...Could you not tell my family pregnancy?" I paused, biting my lower lip nervously. "I want to tell them myself." I mumbled. She nodded, smiling.

After the doctor had left, my parents, David, Draco and their parents walked in.

"Are you better?" My mother asked, concerned.

"Yeah." I mumbled and looked at Draco, biting my lower lip nervously.

"Are you sure?" David asked, placing his hand on my arm. "You look paler than before." He added.

"I am fine." I tried to reassure him. He nodded. "I am sorry, David. The engagement...."

"It isn't more important than you." He said softly. I forced a smile.

Then our parents and David went downstairs to inform our guests that we had postponed the engagement and left me alone with Draco. I entwined my hands nervously.

Should I tell him now?

I took a deep breath and mumbled. "Draco, I..."

"I hope you didn't pretend." He stated dryly, cutting me off.

"What?!" I exclaimed, stunned, looking at him with wide eyes.

How could he think low of me?

I felt disappointed.

Does he really think that I am a manipulative bitch?

He frowned and took a step towards me.

"Listen to me, Mira." He said firmly, plunging his piercing eyes into mine. "Don't try to do anything stupid. What had happened between us that night was a big mistake. And no one will ever know about it. No one!" I pursed my lips together as tears shimmered in my eyes. "We will not be together. Nothing will change it. You are just my sister-in-law nothing more." He stated in a cold stone voice. I looked away, trying to hold my tears. "Get it?" He added sternly.

I clenched my fist. "Yes." I murmured.

"Perfect!" He exclaimed and left the room. He slammed the door behind him, making me jolt.


A week had passed since that day. My morning sickness was getting worse and worse.

I opened the drawer and grabbed the note which Draco had left after our night. I had already memorized it.

I ruffled my hair and leaned on my elbow. I rested my hand on my stomach.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door

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Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I instantly hid the note under the cover and sat up on the bed.

"Come in."

The door opened and my mother walked in.

"Honey, are you okay?" My mother asked, concerned.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Are you sad because of the engagement? We can organize it again." My mother said and sat down beside me on the bed.

"No, I is fine. Actually, I don't want anything big like that party anymore. I am just tired. All this preparation made me exhausted." I lied.

We were interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.

"Ms. Owens, Mr. Matthews is here." The housekeeper informed.

"Ok. Let him in." I mumbled.

"Good morning." David greeted us, giving us a smile.

"Good morning, David. How are you?" My mother asked softly as she stood up.

"Fine. You?" David asked politely.

"Fine. Thanks. You grew a beard again?!" My mother said, giving him a smile.

"Yes, I missed it. And every time I looked at myself in the mirror, it felt like I was looking at another person. So I decided to grow it again." David gave her a smile.

My mother nodded, giving him a warm smile.

"Ok, guys. I will leave you alone." My mother said and left.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I grabbed it and looked at the screen. It was Rose.

"Excuse me. I have to pick it up." I stated and got up.

"Sure." He gave me a smile. I nodded and left as I picked up the phone.


I woke up by feeling nausea. I covered my mouth with my hand and rushed into the bathroom.

After throwing up, I washed my face. I still felt bad. I placed my hand on my stomach and went to my bedroom. I put on a black blouse and blue denim jeans. I stood in front of the mirror and rested my hand on my stomach, looking at myself in the mirror.

"You should do it, Mira. You can not postpone it anymore." I sighed sadly.

I grabbed my phone and the note where I wrote the doctor's number and the hospital's address which Rose had given me. But I hadn't told Rose about my pregnancy. I had just told her that it was just for a check up.

I called the hospital to get an appointment for abortion. I made an appointment for today. As much as early it was going to be, it was better. I was afraid of that if time passed, I would change my mind.

I breathed deeply and placed my phone and the note on my vanity table. I placed my hand on my stomach.

"Forgive me, my baby." I murmured as tears ran down my cheeks.

Draco's POV

I was in the study room, signing my paperwork. The last few days I had been trying to avoid David and Mira.

"Hey, are you okay?" David asked as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Yeah." I murmured without lifting my head up.

"You are working at this time too. You stopped teasing me as well. It is really weird. Are you sure everything is fine?" He asked, giving me a sly grin.

"Everyone changes. I changed too." I replied indifferently.

"Hmm." He gave me a knowing look.

I closed the file and stood up as I grabbed my phone.

"I have to go. See you." I mumbled and left.

I parked my car in front of the coffee shop. I got out of the car and went towards the shop.

"Mr. Matthews, good morning."

I stopped as I heard the woman's voice coming behind me. I turned around and faced her. It was the doctor who checked Mira at the engagement party when she had fainted.

"Good morning." I greeted her.

"Congratulations." She gave me a warm smile.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow, puzzled.

"About your fiancee's pregnancy." She replied.

What?! My fiancee? Pregnancy? What the hell is she talking about?....Oh, she confused me with David. So...Fuck! Mira....Mira is pregnant.

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