Chapter 20 - Disgrace

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Mira's POV

I pursed my lips together as tears started running down my cheeks, looking down. I squeezed Draco's hand tightly.

"Sir, it doesn't seem like how it is. Let me exp..." Draco said.

"It is the last straw!" Richard cut him off. "I don't want to hear anything anymore. I am bored with your immature behaviours. Affairs with countless women, involving our family name into different scandals and so on." His father snarled. Then he traveled his gaze from him to me. "And you Mira, you are a big disappointment for me. I really thought that you were a good, well-mannered and trustworthy girl and perfectly fitted in our family, but I was wrong." He said bitterly, giving me a cold glare.

I didn't feel fine. My legs were shaking. I never felt ashamed like now.

"Dad!" Draco warned his father and wanted to approach him. I grabbed his arm, stopping him. I shook my head, giving him a begging look.

"Get out of my house! I disown you! You don't have a family anymore." His father barked.

"Richard!" Jessica pleaded. He raised his hand in the air, gesturing to her to stop talking.

I looked at my parents. They averted their gazes, looking down. My father gritted his teeth. His face flushed with anger.

"Please, let's go." I murmured to Draco as I felt dizzy, holding his hand tightly. He nodded and led us towards the door.

"Draco!" His father called. "Leave your car and penthouse keys as well as your credit cards." His father demanded.

Draco gritted his teeth. He took a deep breath and pulled his wallet out of his pocket. He grabbed the credit cards and put his wallet back into his pocket. Then he pulled his keys out of his pocket. He threw them onto the table, looking into his father's eyes confidently. Then he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the mansion with him.

I grabbed his arm for support as I felt dizzy.

"Mira!" He exclaimed, worried and caught me by wrapping his arm around my waist. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Please, let's go." I pleaded as I wiped my tears off my cheeks.

He nodded and pulled me into his chest. I leaned against him while we walked away from the mansion.

We took a taxi. Draco was looking through the window, lost in thoughts. He looked tense.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

He turned his head towards me, sighing and ran his hand through his hair.

"Let's go to a hotel. We will pay with my credit card." I suggested.

"No!" He protested firmly. "I will handle it. I don't need your father's money." He stated in confidence.

"I didn't mean..."

He grabbed my hand, smiling at me affectionately.

"I know, angel. But don't worry. Just trust me." He said and pulled me into his chest.

I nodded, giving him a smile and wrapped my arm around his waist, leaning my head against his chest. He kissed my forehead.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Milan. He asked him if we could stay at his penthouse. Milan lived with his parents. He didn't often use his penthouse. Then we went to Milan's penthouse.

I was laying on the bed. I didn't feel fine. My tears were running down my cheeks non-stop. Our parents' words replayed in my mind again and again. I never felt ashamed this much. My family was always proud of me. But now...I was a disgrace for my family.

I wiped my tears off my cheeks quickly as the door opened, and I sat up on the bed. Draco sighed as he noticed that I was crying. He approached me and sat down beside me on the bed. He stroked my hair affectionately.

"Mira, please stop crying." He said, concerned.

"I disgraced my family. I can not get out of my mind their disappointed gazes." I confessed, sobbing.

He gave me a compassionate look and pulled me into his chest. I hugged him back tightly as my stubborn tears kept running down my cheeks. He stroked my hair smoothly while placing several kisses on my hair.

"Everything will be fine. Please, pull yourself together." He said softly.

He pulled back and cupped my cheeks. He wiped my tears off my cheeks with his thumbs, giving me a tender smile.

"Let's have dinner. It is ready." He suggested.

"I don't..." I didn't finish my sentence as he gave me a look that meant protesting was meaningless.

He stood up and grabbed my hand. I got up, holding his hand. He hugged me and headed us towards the kitchen.

I was picking at my food, lost in my thoughts.

"If you keep being gloomy, I will tickle you till you can't breathe from laughing." Draco threatened, giving me a boyish grin.

"Draco." I gave him a slight smile.

"That is! Show me your beautiful smile." He said, smiling.


We hadn't heard about our families since that day. It had been a week. Draco started working at Milan's father's company.

As the elevator doors opened, I rushed towards the hallway, smiling happily.

"Good evening." I greeted Draco, giving him a bright smile. I missed him while he was in the office.

"Good evening, angel." He said, cupping my cheek, and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

He pulled back slightly and rested his hand on my stomach. He rubbed it gently, smiling.

"How are you?" He asked, stroking my belly.

"Fine." I gave him a warm smile. "How was your day?" I asked.

"So busy. I am tired." He replied. "And I terribly missed my woman." He added, giving me a charming smile. I smiled happily and brushed my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him and deepened the kiss.

"Today David called me. He is visiting us tonight." He informed. I nodded.

After Draco and I had had dinner, David came. He told us that our parents were still furious at us. As much as David tried to tell them what had happened, they totally refused to hear it.

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