Chapter 20

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You hummed as you read over the datapad. It was a simple scouting spy mission on a possible 'con hideout. Didn't seem like anything too difficult. You weren't too terribly worried about it. It was Blurr who was concerned about this. He was pacing about the field, that and he might be blowing off steam from his confrontation with the new Magnus. 

You watched him pace about for awhile as he grumbled to himself, you couldn't quite make out what he was saying, but it was along the lines of 'That slagger Sentinel.' and other things of that manner. You figured you should stop him soon before he wears a new path into the ground. You started walking parallel with him following his back and forth pattern.

"Blurr Sir, I think you should stop pacing." You hummed in a slow voice 

"Why?" He huffed between four other sentences

"You are making a trench in the ground."

He paused to look at the heavily worn area he was pacing, at the moment it looked like a well used path. He sighed loudly and slouched a little running his servos down his face.

"What even is the mission we were assigned?" He asked with the air of annoyance 

You proceeded to read off the whole written out details and information on the datapad in your hold. Blurr's optics were dim with thought as he listened to the speedy briefing of the datapad about your mission. You finished and looked up at Blurr with a hum.

"That's what is all it says Blurr Sir." You stated humming 

He nodded a little rubbing his jaw a little. You watched him stopping yourself from bouncing on your pedes despite the urge to run tingling your systems, not to run away from anything, just to run. But you kept your attention to Blurr who was thinking up a storm.

"Shall we train for the mission Blurr Sir?" You suggested 

He vented and straightened himself a little, "I guess we have too."

You nodded a little now letting yourself bounce on your pedes. He vented and glanced at you and your eager to please and go frame. Blurr found himself growing a little flustered he forced it down and nodded. 

"Lets have a run." He stated walking towards the starting line on the track 

You were surprised, "You want to run together?"

He nodded a little, "Is there a problem?"

You shook your helm, "N-no! Never Blurr Sir! You can-"

He cut you off before you could start on a ramble and guided you to the track. You zipped right up as he did this. He stepped into the spot beside you. You placed the datapad into your sub space and slowly slid down into a racers start glancing at Blurr. 

He slowly did the same rolling his shoulders a little as his servos settled on there starting line. You hummed and looked forward settling more into your starting position. 

"3...." You heard Blurr mutter causing your frame to tense and get ready to run

"2..." You rose up a little into the set position frame trembling in anticipation 


And both of you were off 

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