Chapter 24

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Guess who got a sudden urge and inspiration to write in this book again!?))

It was a shocking sight, but nothing had yet happened to the femme strapped down to the operating table in the center of this heinous trophy room. Well, besides what had already happened to her, that being the still bleeding stump where the bottom half of her leg once was, painting the pale grey table a bright neon blue.

Blurr shifted a little on his feet his protocols demanding he run and get help, or just run. But he couldn't just leave her here, well he could- but something deeper then his installed protocols to make like easier, something deeper then his base instincts told him he couldn't leave this pits bound ship without her.

He refused too.

It was this same underlying feeling in his tanks that drew him to her.

Dragging her away when she was in heat-

Finding her in those wash racks to fight off that glitch-

Demanding to train her right-

Cramming as much information as she to try to keep her safe-

It was an instinct that only arose after he had met you. He didn't understand it nor did he understand the feeling in his spark. But all he knew was he just couldn't leave without the femme that had wormed her way into his helm and stuck there.

Blurr fought back the feeling of wanting to rush out to her and save her and instead looked around to try to form a plan of action. He shifted slightly on his pedes but paused as the door at the end of the room slid open and the bounty hunter of the hour walked out talking with someone over his comm unit.

":;-Yeah I caught an autobot with heavy modifications, I think you'd like to dismantle this thing to find whatever you'd like-what?- no I haven't taken my trophy yet.;:" Lockdown chuckled softly as he tapped long her cracked visor with his hook

It took all Blurr had not to rush in head long to battle against this large bounty hunter. He didn't enjoy this mech even being near the femme.

":;I really haven't gotten to take a look over her upgrades, so I haven't taken anything just yet.;:" Lockdown stated, ":;And I'm sure there is more than enough things for me to find, I'll be taking off soon and we can talk more on prices once I get there.;:"

Lockdown's conversation continued as he at least wrapped her still bleeding stumb stopping the large flow of energon that was leaking. The bandages soon stained blue, but it was better than before at least... Blurr still wasn't happy about it. That was for sure.

Lockdown soon clicked off the broken visor, her soft gentle features exposed to the air. Blurr swallowed thickly as Lockdown almost too roughly grabbed her face to examine it still talking to someone over the comms.

":;Hmm, I think I might keep her a little longer than originally thought I've found a looker.;:" Lockdown grinned chuckling softly as he walked back out of sick trophy room with the visor

Blurr did not like that.

Not one bit.

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