Facts about the colony pour from Dr. Milton's mouth as we travel a never-ending maze of hallways. He chatters incessantly about the state of the art everything that exists here at the colony. The deluge of information doesn't have a prayer of sticking. My mind races, question after question I want to ask filling an imaginary list, but Dr. Milton leaves no room for interruption. He points out the way to the library, the cafeteria and a lounge, as if we'll have any time or desire to take advantage of them.
I'm taken aback when we come upon a wall of floor to ceiling windows, the first I've seen in all the halls we've walked so far. Captivated by the amazing view of the crashing waves on the rocky shoreline, Zoë and I stop to ogle. "Wow. It's beautiful here. How does this all fit into that small building we saw when we pulled up?"
"The majority of the facility is built below ground level, carved into the side of a cliff. It was specifically constructed to look small and unassuming to outsiders. Like nothing more than a home in the woods."
"Can't people see it from boats?" Zoë asks.
"On the contrary. This area that you're viewing now is the bay. The entrance is private and unreachable by the general public. That island across the water, along with three others you can't see from here, belongs to us as well." Stepping away from the window, he changes the subject. "I think it will interest you if we head to the pod room next."
"The pod room?" I ask.
"Yes. It's the medical facility where our extended walkers reside. It's really quite impressive. Very high tech."
Dr. Milton enters his credentials into the security system and the metal doors slide open to a viewing deck over the pod room, completely encased in glass walls.
The enormous room below us buzzes with doctors and nurses, moving from one oversized incubator to another, caring for the sleeping humans residing within them. Below us lies the central hub of the room, a nurse's station that looks like it transported here from the future.
"This area we're in is strictly observatory. We use it mainly for our tours. I often find it helpful to bring individuals here before going through the process of entering the pod room. It gives the enormity of it a moment to settle in and helps to diminish the nerves."
Looking down at the people asleep in the pods, I'm overwhelmed by the reality of the situation. These people are all lost dreamwalkers brought here by their families for specialized care. They're all waiting for the mysterious savior to come along and free them from the hell they're trapped in. Pushing aside the weight of that thought, I try to remain focused on the information I'm being presented with. "This is the room we'll be in when we dreamwalk?"
"Yes. You'll each be assigned a pod and a dedicated medical team. We'll enter this room soon to meet them." Nervous energy burns through me as I stare down at the intimidating scene. "This particular room has one hundred fifty beds. We currently have seventy-four residents in pod. There's another smaller, more specialized facility for the long-term dreamwalker that houses an additional twenty-five beds. It currently has seven occupants."
"There are different levels of extended dreamwalking care?" I ask, puzzled.
"Yes. Extended and long-term. Extended care is for periods of time less than one year."
"What's different about long-term care?" I inquire.
"The procedures are slightly more invasive, more aggressive. You likely won't need to worry about that." He trails off and seems to lose his train of thought for a moment. "Before we enter, I'll need to take you to the decontamination area. You'll each shower in a private wash room and wear the clothing provided."

Dreamwalkers: The Awakening
FantasyBeing able to create alternate universes in your sleep might seem like the ultimate super power, but when a malevolent force from the dream realm tracks you down in real life, how do you escape it? Seventeen-year-old dreamwalkers and life-long best...