The story will continue in the second book of the DREAMWALKERS saga, FRAGMENTS, coming in late 2019.
Hello to all of you who care enough to read this page. I hope you loved reading my story as much as I loved writing it. I can't wait to share the next book in the series with you! Thank you for reading, thank you for enjoying and you even get a thank you if you didn't like it all that much. That's okay because you gave me a try and I appreciate it all the same. If you loved reading this book, it would mean the world to me if you'd tell someone else how much you enjoyed it. Writing is what I love to do and if it weren't for people reading the things I write, my life would be epically boring. Thank you for being a part of making this girl's dreams come true.
I'd like to give a big shout out to my mom who read this story, like, a hundred times, if not more. By the last round of edits, she was dreaming in Times New Roman. I'd also like to give a super big thank you to my daughter, Olivia, for being my biggest cheerleader and teaching me how to believe in myself. Without her encouraging words, I probably wouldn't have had the confidence to share my writing with the world.
Some of you may be wondering, haven't I read a different version of this book before? Well, you just might have. I originally released the first volume of Dreamwalkers in 2014, but I wasn't happy with the final product. I took some time to rethink it and do a complete rewrite of book one. And now, here in the last quarter of 2018, I'm re-releasing the much upgraded version. I'm happy with how far I've brought it and am so excited to move the story forward.
Books are a great way to escape all the things in the real world, even if it's only for a few minutes at a time. I know first-hand how difficult life can get, how heavily emotions can weigh on you—especially if you don't have someone to talk to about them. For those of you who don't have any other escape right now, know your moment will come. You'll learn you're stronger than you ever thought possible and you'll rise above the things that have hurt you. I'm glad I could help you step away from your problems, even if ever so briefly.
If you're able to help someone else in need, even if it seems like a small and trivial act, please do it today. The only way we can move forward as humans is to be a part of the positive change we want to see in the world. If you can make someone smile today, please do it. It's a lot easier than you think and can make all the difference to someone who feels very alone. When you're out there in the world, say please and thank you, be thankful for what you have, and appreciate the little things someone does for you every day. Replace the negative words in your head with positive ones. Find something to compliment yourself on every day. Be compassionate to everyone, whether human or animal. Remember that we are all equal, regardless of who we love, what color our skin is, or what God we pray to. Treat everyone you meet the way you want them to treat you.
Thanks again for reading! –Corinne
Dreamwalkers: The Awakening
FantasyBeing able to create alternate universes in your sleep might seem like the ultimate super power, but when a malevolent force from the dream realm tracks you down in real life, how do you escape it? Seventeen-year-old dreamwalkers and life-long best...