The Willow Tree

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In a meadow of flowers and green grass there was a willow tree. This willow tree was like no other. This one felt emotion. One day a little girl named, Isabelle, came out to play when she accidentally got blood on the tree. The tree was now magically bind to Isabelle. Whatever she felt, the tree felt it as well. Isabelle went to the willow tree everyday. The tree was always there. For her first heartbreak. First kiss. Her first love. When she wept its leaves would caress her in a hug. When she was happy the tree would grow her favorite flowers and drop them all around her.

Suddenly Isabelle fell sick. She was diagnosed with lung cancer. Everyday she got more ill. The cancer was taking her. She fought and fought but the cancer was too harsh. She knew her time was near. She knew it was going to take her. So she turned to her husband of four years and asked if she could go to her willow she one last time. There was protesting at first but finally she was granted permission.

When Isabelle and her husband got there the tree was nothing like before. Instead of its green leaves, there was brown moldy ones. She wept beside the tree. Letting everything out that she was holding in. With it's dying leaves the tree wrapped them around her just as before.

"This is it," Isabelle thought.

"Let go," the tree whispered.

Isabelle could have not wanted anything better. Her husband and the tree that she grew up with. Right next to her.

As she fell her husband caught her, bent down and kissed her just like he did underneath the same tree on their secret wedding day.

She smiled.

Then stopped fighting.

She let go.

As she drew her past breath her favorite flower, which was a lily, landed right on top of her cheek that was mixed with her and her husband's tears.

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