Chapter I - Eyes

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***Gaara POV***

I listened as father talked to the shinobi in his office. I know I shouldn’t, but I’m curious. Another kid like me? Maybe we could be friends. I silently followed him and the two shinobi through the town to the infirmary. Nobody stopped me when I walked into the room that my father and the two shinobi were walking out of.

There was a girl, about my age. She was really pretty, too. She had smooth, (s/t) skin, and (h/l), (h/c), (h/s) hair. But, even in her sleep, she looked to be in pain. Her (e/c) eyes shot open and immediately darted over to me. Her leg shot out, hitting the underside of my chin and knocking me backwards. She got into position, ready for a fight.


***(Y/N) POV***


The red haired boy held his hands up in surrender. He looked no older than me, with short hair, milky skin, and seafoam green eyes.The strangest thing was that he had no eyebrows, and looked like he wore too much eye-liner. He kinda looked like a panda…

“I… I don’t mean any harm. I just heard that there might be someone else like me (NEVER MIND I’LL FIND, SOMEONE LIKE YOU!!!... sorry). Y-you have a demon in you, too?” He looked almost anxious for my answer.

“Demon? The Cat Sidhe was my village’s guardian spirit. He chose me as his vessel… Do you have a-”

“That’s enough.” I heard a monotonous voice speak. Turning towards the doorway, I saw a tall man, wearing white and blue robes. It was the Lord Kazekage. “Gaara, go back to the tower, you should be training.”

The red haired boy -- Gaara -- walked out of the room, not breaking eye contact until he rounded the corner. I turned back to the Lord Kazekage, who was staring me down. I looked out the window, at the sun.

“Good afternoon, Lord Kazekage.” I bowed respectfully. “I am (Y/N) (L/N), of the (L/N) bloodline. My mother sent me here with my baby sister after our village was attacked by rogue shinobi. She told me that this would be a safe place.”

The Lord Kazekage continued to stare me down. I stared right back, not at all intimidated. He then let out a small chuckle. He told me that since I would be staying here, I may as well get a tour. After travelling to the Kazekage’s tower, the Lord Kazekage demanded that his son, Gaara, give me a tour of their village, Sunagakure. The entire walk was awkward. Both of us were silent.

“So… you don’t seem to like your father much. Any particular reason why?”

Gaara glanced at me, with a slightly hardened glare. “I feel nothing. I only need to train to become the strongest. So that I can defend Sunagakure, and fight any villages that mess with us. You should have done the same. I heard what happened. You should have stayed and fought, instead of running.”

I glared right back. “At least my parents loved me. They gave their lives so that I could get away. I am all that is left of my village. If I had stayed and fought, I would have died or been captured. My sister wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be here. If I had stayed and fought, it would have all been for nothing. Those shinobi were out of my league. The best I could do was run and hide. I can worry about fighting later.”

He almost looked shocked. But as we both turned to face away from each other, I noticed a group of children our age and older. The kids our age looked scared, and those who were older smirked, looking cocky. One of the teen boys began walking over to the two of us. I looked at Gaara, and noticed that he had turned his attention towards the boy as well. I turned back, and the teenagerwas right behind me.

“Hey, girley. Why don’t you please me and my friends, and come on over here. This freak is a killer. He is nothing more than a weapon!”

As the teen started laughing his ass off, cackling, I noticed grains of sand starting to rise from the ground. I turned and raised an eyebrow at Gaara, who was glaring at the teen. Said lad didn’t seem all too concerned. Putting my hand on Gaara’s shoulder, I shook my head ‘no’, indicating that I would handle it myself. He calmed down significantly. Turning to the teen, who seemed a bit shocked, I hardened my glare, turning it to ice. Particles of darkness began flowing around me, shadows becoming solid.

“First of all, ‘My friends and I’, not ‘Me and my friends’. Secondly, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” He looked at me, shocked first, then angry. Lunging for a punch to my face, He was uncoordinated. I caught his fist, and felt him struggling to overcome the obstacle.

As he strained to escape my grasp, he pulled his arm back. Using his pre-created momentum, I pushed his hand back, throwing him to the ground. He looked up at me in a rage, and sprung up to hit me again. This time, I moved to the side, grabbing his arm and throwing him into his run. He fell forward again, but caught himself. Pushing up, he stood and got into a stance to build up chakra.

All of a sudden, he was trapped by a solid wall of shadows. My hand outstretched, I began closing it slowly, but surely, the ball of darkness shrinking with my movement. “Apologize to him. Now.” After hearing a string of ‘I’m sorry’s, I let the ball dissipate, all shadows going back to where they belong. The teen looked at me, and ran off.

Turning back to Gaara, I politely asked if we could continue the tour, to which he calmly responded with a ‘yes’. Continuing with the guide through the village, I continuously felt eyes on me. Two pairs. Gaara’s, and someone else’s.

***Lord Kazekage POV***

This girl will be the perfect weapon alongside Gaara. I’ll have to discover her true power. The demon in her body will make her stronger. Letting my eyes trail after her as long as possible. This would be fun.

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