Sorry for late update & INFO

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Hi! I know this time the update isn't going to be AS late AS the other late ones but I needed to say sorry for a few thing that might happen.

First of all, this update wasn't suppose to be this late but in here two weeks ago was a week holiday/vacation. We went out and I didn't have enough time to write.

Then last week my nose got sorto blocked and I have the car sickness kinda thing the Rose has and it also affects in busses. It affects more if I'm on my phone so I try to write as much as I can without feeling bad.

I've also had a lot of projects and homework lately, so I sometimes did some in busses.

Now onto the second and last thing. 'Sport competitions' and every chapter since, has had more than 2000 words. I wanna keep it that way but chapter 19 MIGHT be shorter. I could make it longer but...I want it to end on a cliffhanger, which obviously wont be much of a cliffhanger, thanks to my bad writing skills.

But because of that, I'm planning to update two chapters at the same time. Well, not the SAME time but in 2-3 days difference, maximum 1 week. So, I'm working on two chapter right now and um...yeah not the best, I know.

So, also reallyyyy sorryyy for that. Let's hope I can make chapter 19 bigger. Thanks! That was all.

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