| grocery.shopping |

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I watched as she joked and laughed and how he smiled so brightly at her.

He seems a lot happier with her....

I shook my head and put on my smile and walked over to CJ. They are just being friendly right?

The PD gave me the note with our daily task and just as I was about to read out the task, two people laughed very loudly causing us to all look at them.

"Yah! Chan Hyung! Dana Noona is talking" Han said in a sassy tone which made me smile.

"Thank you Han....now AHEM! Todays task is to be put into groups and to head off to do the tasks given" i read and we all nodded.

"So! How should we group ourselves?"

We were all about to group ourselves when the PD quickly told us that he already grouped us.


I ended up with Woojin Oppa and Bang Chan and....Ryujin.

I watched as Bang Chan would tell a joke to Ryujin and Ryujin would laugh and hit his arm lightly.

They looked like those cute couples you would look at and be jealous of-

"DANA!" I heard Woojin yell and I jolted out of my little moment.

"Huh? Sorry Woojin I spaced out for a minute" I awkwardly laughed, looking to the two in front of us but they didnt even notice anything.

"Its alright, I know jealousy can be quite a bummer" he said in a normal tone. At first I just nodded but then I had realised what he said.

"Oh....Wait...WHAT!" I exclaimed and he laughed.

"H-how did you know?" I asked in a whisper while covering my mic that was on my shirt.

"Your facial are easy to read" he whispered and laughed at my face. He then started teasing me and I was starting to get really frustrated.

"Ya! Stop making fun of me! Its not funny!" I whined like a little child.

"Why? You knew you were going to get teased when you fell over your foot" he said and I whacked him in the arm.

We started laughing together forgetting about the other two until...

"Umm... Dana Unnie?" I heard Ryujin call me and I slowly turned around and faced her.

"Yeah Ryujin"

"Whats our task?" She asked me and I quickly pulled out the paper.

"We have to buy some groceries. They didnt make us a list so im assuming we can buy whatever" I stated and She nodded.

"Did they give us money?"

"Yep 60,000 won" I said and she nodded.

"How about we split the money and we all go buy things, itll be quicker Unnie" Ryujin said.

"I can go with you Ryujin" Bang Chan said and she nodded happily. Even though I hated the fact that she was going with Bang Chan, I knew that it was going to be quicker.

I then felt an heavy arm around my shoulder making me jump a bit.

"Okay! I can go with Clutz!" Woojins voice rung and I frowned.

"Jugeullae?! (Do you wanna die?!) I told you not to call me that" I growled as I raised my arm to whack him but je quickly ran off.

"Yah!! Ryujin heres your money. WOOJIN! Get back here!" I chased after him.

When I finally caught up to Woojin, we went around the whole store, laughing and talking while also grabbing groceries we knew everyone would need.

As we were walking I saw a cameraman following two people. Me knowing who it was, I quickly turned trolley around and dragged Woojin with me.

"What are you doing?" Woojin asked.

"We um...forgot toilet paper! Yeah that's it" I answered and I saw from his facials that he didn't believe what I said.

"Orrrr.....I may be avoiding two people" I added.

"Look you can't avoid them just because your Jealous Dana" Woojin stated and I sighed knowing he was right.

"I know I know but I'm still going to keep my distance, if I keep seeing their lovey dovey stuff I'm going puke" I laughed it off.

{ T I M E  S K I P }

"Do we have everything?" Bang Chan asked looking at me but I just avoided eye contact.

"Yep! We can head home now" Woojin saved me and we all started walking. Bang Chan was walking with Woojin surprisingly and I was with Ryujin.

Ryujin and I were talking with each other and I have to be honest, she's actually quite fun to talk to.

I can tell why Chan likes Ryujin, she's not only beautiful and in shape, but she's also funny, goofy and great to talk to. Its obvious that any boy would like her more than me...

"Dana Unnie, are you alright? You seem a little down" Ryujin noticed. I saw that Woojin and Chan had glanced back at me and the camera men zoomed in on me.

I immediately put on my brightest smile and laughed.

"I'm alright Ryujin, just a little bit tired that's all, thank you for worrying thpugh" She smiled back at me before she continued her story.

As soon as we got home, I put all the groceries in the fridge and cupboard and as I was about to walk up the stairs, someone grabbed onto me.

"Dana...." it was Chan.

"Are you alright? It seems like your avoiding me?" He asked me and just as i was about to answer him...or more like lie...

"CHAN OPPA- oh sorry Unnie I didn't know you were talking to him i'll just-" she was about to walk off but I stopped her.

"Don't worry Ryujin-ah, we were just finishing, you can take him, I'm going to have nap. See ya....Bang Chan-ssi " I said before removing his arm and going up to my bed and crashing down onto it.


After Dana left I felt a little sad.

She called me Bang Chan-ssi instead of Chan oppa. She also has been avoiding me all day. I would notice her turn around to walk another way at the store and when I would look at her, she would turn the other way.

Dana also spent the whole day laughing with Woojin. They were to busy laughing with each other to even notice us....I mean Ryujin and I.

What's gotten into her?

"Chan Oppa? Kwaenchanayo? ( are you alright?)" Ryujin snapped me out of my daze.

"Huh? Oh ne....ne (yes....yes)" I smiled and we continued to talk to each other but her smile when she talked to Woojin didn't leave my thoughts.

Idol Love 》》 Bang Chan 《《 Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now