| tears.memories |

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When we all got home we all had been gathered in the living room and Hyunji and Hyunjin recommended that we should go out for dinner and our managers allowed it so everyone was getting ready.

When we all got home we all had been gathered in the living room and Hyunji and Hyunjin recommended that we should go out for dinner and our managers allowed it so everyone was getting ready

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"CJ do you like what i'm wearing?" I ask her.

"Yep! Its nice and comfy but still neat and chic, why? Are you trying to impress someone?" She teased and I just scoffed and shook my head.

Yeji was having a shower and Chaeryeong was sitting on her bed, already ready.

"Don't be silly CJ" I Laughed it off.

"Dana Unnie, do you like Chan Oppa?" Chaeryeong asked randomly making me choke on my spit.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I awkwardly said as I fiddled with my sleeves.

"Yes she does, ever since she laid eyes on him when she Walked in the company-" CJ started saying but I chucked my pillow at her face.

"Thats! Enough story telling" I warned her and she just shrugged. Chaeryeong laughed lightly.

"You two would make a cute couple unnie" Chaeryeong stated and I just shook my head.

"Don't say that Chaeryeong"


"I don't know....just don't okay?" I said in a sweet voice and she nodded understanding.

"Come on I think we going to go now" I said when Yeji finished getting ready.

We went downstairs and everyone was waiting.

"Should we head out now" I asked and everyone nodded so we all hopped into the vans and headed out to our Dinner.


When we got to the place, we all sat down and chatted around the table after ordering our food.

"Why don't we talk about our trainee days, even though we all literally just debuted" Hyunji suggested and we all laughed before agreeing.

We all took turns talking about our days as Trainees and how we all felt about them and it soon came to CJ's turn.

"Well I came not so long ago from Australia, it was difficult to leave home but Bang Chan and Felix had actually helped me through it. Felix and Bang Chan acted so much like my older brother that it made me feel at home. The training was bearable, and I was able to cope with the diets and practices but I will be honest that I still missed my family. When I was finally able to call my parents for the first time in weeks, I cried and I cried. My Mum and Dad were also crying. My sister and brother cheered me on and said to keep going, that i'd be able to debut soon and look! Here I am!" She said with a few tears falling from her eyes. I hugged her tightly and she smiled brightly.

Idol Love 》》 Bang Chan 《《 Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now