| comeback |

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Today, it was our comeback stage of our song "Virago" which means female warrior. This song was actually written by all of us, with the help of 3RACHA who helped create the beat.

The songs about female empowerment and how us girls shouldn't been seen as pretty little fragile things. We can be tough, rough and strong. So we had to be perfect for this song.

Our choreograph was difficult for this song as well. We had some help from Stray Kids dance line with it because we wanted to make the dance powerful and so we had some very advanced moves.

Especially during the 2nd verse and ending. In the 2nd verse both CJ and Hyunji have a little dance break where they do some flips and b-boy moves.

Then at the end, the girls have to hold my arms and legs before swinging my over Miho.

"We can do this" Lena cheered us and we all gathered in a circle.

"Hana...dul...set...HWAITING!" We shouted before walking up on the stage.
Hearing the cheers of our fans made us a little less stressed and more excited.

"Guys look!" Sina said pointing at familiar 5 figures sitting within the crowd of fans.

"Oppa's! Unnie's!" CJ shouted, her voice coming from the speakers since her microphone was on.

The fans screamed as the girl jumped and waved at the 5 who were laughing.
It was Han, Lee Know, Chaeryeong, Lia and Changbin.

We rushed to stand our positions and got ourselves ready.

Finally, the music pumped and entered our ears. Lifting my head for the beginning, I bit my lip, running a hand through my hair before winking at the camera and going straight into the dance.

We had been going great and both CJ and Hyunji finished their dance great perfectly. But after that, that's when something went wrong.

My ear began to sting and I maintained my facials before a part where I stood still came. The pain gone worse and the music had stopped coming from the ear piece so taking this opportunity, I reached up to my ear and pulled the piece from it.

Continuing to dance, I could feel something trickling down my neck but I only assumed it was sweat so I ignored it and continued dancing.

The ending came and taking a deep breath, I let the girls grab my arms and legs. As Miho finished of her rap she knelt down and the girls swung me over.

I did it! I landed on both my feet and the song ended, the girls coming up from behind me and posing.

As the camera stopped filming my members rushed over to me and so did my manager.

"Are you okay?" Lena asked in a worried tone.

"Im alright, why?" I curiously tilted my head.

"Your ear, its bleeding. It started after the bridge" Hyunji stated as my hand flung to my ear and as I pulled it away, there was red staining it.

"What happened?" My manager asked in a rushed tone.

"My ear piece, the music stopped coming from it and my ear began to sting so I pulled it out" I explained and my manager gripped my wrist.

"Let's go fix your ear and i'll go talk to the technicians" She sighed.


My manager cleaned the blood from my neck and ear, placing a bandage/ bandaid over it just incase which felt and looked quite odd but I didn't comment on it.

Sitting in our waiting room, the other 5 entered.

"Oh my gosh are you alright unnie?" Yeji asked as she walked in.

"I'm alright Yeji, just some technical problems thats all" I said.

"But your ear started bleeding" Han commented.

"Yeah, what happened if it effected your hearing. That's not good Dana" Lee Know added on and I nodded in acknowledgement.

It was true, my hearing could've been seriously effected but i'm perfectly fine right now.

"As long as everything's alright now" Lia smiled.

"Hey so whose going to explain to Chan hyung why his girlfriend's coming home with a bandage on her ear?" Changbin joked and we all laughed.

"I'm being serious! He's been so protective over her, it's almost scary" Changbin laughed also.

"Don't worry I'll explain" I said and they all nodded.

As we all sat in a comfortable silence, just sitting around, on our phones or in CJ and Sina's case sleeping, the ring of a phone echoed through the room.

Yeji picked up her phone and answered her phone.

"Hello?....okay...i'll tell them...okay bye Ryujin" Yeji hung up and looked at the others with a large smile gracing her lips.

"In the honor of Eclipse's comeback...we're going out for barbeque tonight!!" She announced and we all cheered.

"Yes! I've been starving for weeks" Hyunji said.

"Well what are we still doing hanging around? Let's go!" Han said excitedly.


Arriving back at the house, entering the living room, everyone was gathered around the tv.

"Hey guys! We watched your guys performance!" Chaeryeong shouted from the couch.

"Wow! Here comes the proffesionals" Hyunjin joked.

"That perfomance was so cool!" Yuna exclaimed.

Sitting down beside Chan, he looked at me knowing already what happened to my ear.

"You okay?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned on my shoulder.

I hummed in response before leaning my head on his. Today was tiring so feeling Chan lightly rubbing circles on my hip with his thumb made me feel relaxed again.

"Hey Dana?" Chan called out. I lifted my head and looked at him.


"Would you want to...well..hangout together on tuesday... just me and you?" He asked, looking up at me with puppy eyes.

"Are you asking me on a date?" I looked at him with an amused face as his cheeks flushed.

"Maybe..." He said shyly and I laughed and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I would love to" as I answered a great big smile appeared on his lips before he attached them to mine.

It only lasted for a second before a whistle was heard. We pulled apart and looked to see the others...all staring...watching us.

"It's like watching a drama" Han said out loud before eating some popcorn he had stolen from Chaeryeong who had proceeded to hit the back of his head.

"Why are you all looking at us like that" I spoke in an embarrased tone.

"Oh don't mind us. Continue" Sina commented as she watched us the way she watched her romance movies.

"Okay~ i'm just going to go to the bathroom now" I said before getting up and laughing as Sina sighed before falling back onto Changbin's lap.

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