Chapter Three

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Once we reached the Portal Hallway, I opened the Atlas and spoke.

"Take us to Crown Mesa."

The strands of blue light tugged me towards the familiar redstone portal with Petra and Lluna trailing behind. As I walked toward the portal, Petra grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" She said. "Last time we saw Harper, she said she was going to try new inventions to 'help' Crown Mesa. What if they got out of control like PAMA did?"

"Then we'll defeat them again," I said, turning back to the portal. "We've done it before."

With that, I stepped through the frame.

I was pleasantly surprised to step onto a quartz platform instead of falling into a pile of sand. In front of me was one of Harper's automatons. I pressed the button and a message played as Petra and Lluna appeared through the portal.

"Welcome to Crown Mesa, the Automated Marvel led by the illustrious Harper, our Redstone Genius! Follow the path to your right to reach the main town."

I looked back at Petra, who shrugged. "Seems fine so far."

We began to walk down the path. People worked in sugarcane fields nearby. Looks like the people are fine, I thought. I don't see any creepy chipped mobs either.

We reached the staircase leading up to Crown Mesa and were greeted by more people. They stabled Lluna for us and when we asked where we could find Harper, we were directed up to a large quartz platform. A scarily familiar quartz platform in front of a giant screen.

 A scarily familiar quartz platform in front of a giant screen

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As we walked up the steps, Petra grabbed my hand tightly. Last time we were here, things didn't go too well. It didn't help that there was still a machine that looked like the "chipper" that Petra had been shoved into.

"My job is to be useful. I have completed my job here and must be allowed to expand and continue to be useful. Unfortunately, our conversation has not been helpful."

"Let me go!" Lukas cried as PAMA's chipped agents pushed him and Petra towards the chipper. Petra's hands were restrained as crazy redstone pillars rose to power the machine.

"Aaaaah!" Petra screamed in pain. I struggled as hard as I could against the agents holding me back. Petra began to hyperventilate as the chipper rose over her. My heart pounded in my chest.

The chipper clicked into placed. I kicked and pounded my fists against the guards, straining towards Petra.

"JESSE! JE-" Petra was abruptly cut off as the chipper crashed over her.

My breath became shaky.

"Welcome, Petra. Yay!" The chipper rose and Petra's eyes had turned cold, murderous red, with no sign that she recognized me at all.

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