Chapter Four

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"What?!" Petra cried. "No. No, there's no way you're going to eat Reuben. He was your best friend!"

"I know," I replied, my voice shaky. "That's why it has to be him."

I walked up to Reuben's memorial, memories rolling through my head.

As I hike through the forest, I see a clearing with a beautiful waterfall. It's so pretty I don't even notice where I'm putting my feet until I trip into the pool of water below it. Coughing and spluttering, I raise my head and find myself face-to-face with an adorable piglet.

"Wee wee wee!" he cries.

"You wanna stick with me, boy?" I ask. The piglet squeals in delight, and I rub his head. "I think I'll call you Reuben."

I pressed my hand against Reuben's porkchop on the item frame. I felt Petra put her hands around me, and that's when I realized there were tears streaming down my cheeks. I turned and sank into Petra's arms, sobbing. I felt her hand stroke my hair and heard her whisper things like "shhh, it's ok, I'm here," but all I could think of was of Reuben.

I guess I had some private hope that if I kept his pork chop safe, maybe someday he'd be able to return to me... I tightly hugged Petra, then I stood and opened the item frame. but now that's never going to happen.

I took Reuben's pork chop out of the item frame and clenched it tightly. For a moment, I forgot about Petra and Lluna and the curse and the potion and everything except for myself and for Reuben, my dead best friend.

 For a moment, I forgot about Petra and Lluna and the curse and the potion and everything except for myself and for Reuben, my dead best friend

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Hey, buddy... I took a deep breath. This may be the last time we talk. I just want you to be safe, even though you aren't here. Please, I sunk to my knees. Why can't I just let go?! I can't just... eat you and be done with it!

"You know, he'd want you to be happy," Petra broke into my thoughts.

"Oh crap, did I really say all that outloud?" Petra's concerned face told me all I needed to know. Lluna rubbed against me and brayed sadly.

I blinked out my tears, wiped my eyes, and then handed Reuben to Petra. "Could you keep track of the, the ingredients? If things get... bad, you'll need to be ready to craft the potion whenever."

Petra took Reuben and put him in a pocket. "Of course I will Jesse."

I winced as the stone burned further up my arm, stopping almost at my shoulder. Petra gave me a concerned look, but I turned away.

I took a deep breath and started walking towards the gate of Beacontown. "Let's go pummel some Enderman."


When we reached Soren's fortress, Jesse stabled Lluna in the mob grinder area after clearing the area.

"We'll be right back, girl," she said, scratching her under the chin. I set down a couple of hay blocks to keep her fed and then turned to the chamber that held the End portal.

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