Longing for an Eternal Night

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 |Sorry if the text is all blocky and one big paragraph, I just don't want to mess up the formatting|   |Anyway, have fun reading|


It's a warm Summertime afternoon and you are on your laptop doing some Buzzfeed quizzes. You take a quiz to find out what kind of bread you are. After answering a few questions, it turns out that you are Ciabatta. You then go to check your email but your laptop dies. You sigh and plug it into the charger. "What should I do now?" you ask yourself, "I guess I'll visit Gregg at the Snack Falcon. You head out, and on the short walk there, you see Casey in the distance hanging out on the train tracks. You wave, he waves back. It's a pretty nice day out. You enter the store are hit with a wave of air conditioning. Gregg notices you as soon as you walk in. "Oh hey (Y/N) how's it going? Gregg asked. "Not bad." you say. "Up for some crimes?" "Totally!" Gregg says, "What about your job?" you ask Gregg. "It's been a slow day, and like no one has come in except for you, so it won't hurt if I leave my shift a bit early." he said. "What crimes are we going to do tonight?" "Let's explore the abandoned house that we found in the woods." "Sweet, can Casey join?" "Of course he can, he loves this type of stuff." "Ok, let me get some stuff from my apartment then we can go to pick him up." "Okay, can I come with you?" "Sure." After a bit of walking, you come up to the apartment complex. I'll stay outside while you get your stuff." "Nah, your coming with me." with that he grabs your hand and leads you up the stairs to his room. Holding his hand makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The thing is, you have had a crush on him ever since you met him. You both arrive at his apartment door. "Here we are," Gregg said as he was getting out his key. He unlocks the door and you both step inside, "Casa de Gregg." His room is the same as always; A bunk bed in the corner of the room, with the bottom bunk covered with pillows and a blanket, while the top bunk is empty. The kitchen, with a microwave, sink, fridge, and well, anything that a normal kitchen has. The living room had the same red couch, with the same table in front of it. Everything was where it always was. "Same room, Same Gregg." "Eh... More or less." Gregg said, "I just haven't got around to doing much." "Do you ever feel lonely, living by yourself?" You ask. "Sometimes I wish someone could live with me. But otherwise, I manage." after a bit of rustling around you hear Gregg say "Found it" "Now I'm all set and ready to go." With that you both exit the building and head to Casey's hideout underneath the railroad bridge. "This is going to be awesome." Gregg says as you approach the area beneath the railroad bridge. "Hey, Casey! You there? "It's Me, Gregg." You hear a voice say "I'm coming."Out of the shadows you see Casey step out, wearing his usual "Sk8 to Create" Hoodie. "What's up Gregg?" "I was wondering if you'd want to join us on investigating the abandoned house in the woods tonight." "I'm down." Casey said,"Let me get my stuff and then we can head out. "Okay, we'll wait outside." You decide to talk to Gregg while Casey gathering his things. "This is going to be great, I get to spend time with you and Casey." "I know right, this will be an unforgettable night." Suddenly, you hear a voice, Casey's voice say "What are you two lovebirds doing? Startled, your mind goes blank and you say the first thing that pops into your head, and since you are looking at Gregg, you say "I'm doing Gregg." After you processed what you had said, your face turns red and an awkward silence pursues. Gregg eventually breaks the silence by saying, "Let's hurry before it gets too dark." "How can it get "too dark"? "We have flashlights." You catch on to Gregg's feeble attempt to try to move on from the awkwardness and say, "You're right Gregg, we should get going." "Whatever" Casey says, puzzled. You all head out to the forest. After a while of walking, you reach the house. "Here we are." Didn't seem that spooky in the daytime." Gregg said, "The spookier the cooler." You agreed and then proceeded to search the outside of the house to try to find an entrance. "I found something." You look over to see Gregg pointing at an open basement window. You praise Gregg for his findings. "I'll go in first." you said "to make sure it's safe." You then proceed to crawl in through the open basement window. You turn on your flashlight and scan the basement. It's mostly just piles of souvenirs, trinkets, and other junk. The previous owner must have been a collector of some sort. "It's all clear down here." you said to Casey and Gregg. "Okay, we're coming down." they said as they crawled through the basement window. "Woah, look at all of this stuff." Gregg said, slightly impressed at the massive amounts of items scattered about the basement. You all decide to search through the piles of stuff to possibly find a souvenir to remind you of this adventure. After a bit of rummaging around, you find a set of dice, most likely to be used for a game. Right next to it you find a Dungeons & Dragons game set. "Cool, We can use this back at Gregg's place. You put in in your bag. "Hey Gregg, what did you find?" Gregg replied, "I found this cool little dagger necklace." "Let's see if it fits..." Gregg struggled to get it around his neck. There seemed to be a clasp on the back of the necklace that he could not reach. After a bit of fumbling he asked "Hey (Y/N) ... can you help me put on this necklace?"

Longing for an Eternal Night (Gregg x Reader) (NITW)Where stories live. Discover now