2: Sorry I'm Late, I Almost Died

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Orion's arms wrapped around me, catching me before I could hit the ground. The air whipped around my face. I winced and squeezed my stinging eyes shut. He swooped, bringing me down on the section underneath the overpass where I would hopefully be able to get far enough away.

He set me down on top of the rubble, patted my head, and told me, "Have a good day at school, Kace."

I didn't have time to respond, but there was also not much for me to say. Without as much as a glance, I turned on my heel and began a slow jog.

I'd always hated running. When we had gym class in middle school, I would always fake sick—Dad's handwriting could pass for a doctor's—in order to get out of running laps. Right now though, I had more important things to worry about than being horribly out of breath.

I wondered about whether Diamond would be okay. She'd seemed pretty beat up, but I knew she was indestructible. Surely Phantom couldn't be more powerful than her...

Each landmark I passed became a new personal record. I tried to distance myself from the fighting: Dad had made it pretty clear that I had no place there, but it wasn't my fault that I was waiting for the bus. This one, I was blaming on Dad, for banning me from the Belt, his so-called enhanced car. I guessed that in his mind, all I needed to do was press a button and the Belt-mobile would sprout wings, launch every rocket, and then explode. Which, I supposed, were things it could realistically do, so perhaps he wasn't totally mistaken.

I kept going, trudging by the cars backed up bumper to bumper on the roads as they honked in a useless effort. The sound became distant as I cut through a gravel path which led me all the way to Rocky Road. Rather aptly named, the street was one of my personal favourites on the walk back home. From there, I waited patiently for the next bus and got on it, despite the lack of progress that any traffic seemed to be making. I sat back and relaxed into my seat as much as I possibly could.



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The bus crawled across the busy street. Jax, I hoped, would not skewer me for leaving him, but I had better things to be doing than algebra. To be clear, anything was better than algebra, but it paid to have an excuse.

I took a moment and texted him back.

did you do it?

don't answer:

very funny
did it work?

don't answer:
what do u think

that ur dumb

don't answer:
um rude
for your INFORMATION it didnt
stop coming for me
did you actually skip or

do you even know me

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