Smoke Arc: Chapter 2

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His palms rested on either side of the sink as he rinsed his face after getting home from a full tiring day at work in the god realm. Luckily he was able to travel through dimensions in a breeze which allowed him to get home very quickly from his work. The deity opened his eyes, the hazel in them glowed as he observed a new scar on his cheek that had dried up blood there. "Haven't been scratched like that in a while. Heh." He said and gave his reflection a smile. Getting tied up in himself in the mirror gave him a shocking expression once he heard the door bell ring. "Oh boy.. I usually don't have company... This is gonna be interesting.."

The black haired god approached the door and opened it, his daughter peaking around the corner watching. Even she was curious since they rarely had visitors. Kyra jumped backed a bit terrified by who was at the door. A hell spawn with a flaming head in a trench coat was there. "What the hell do you want? Can I help you? I think you're lost." Kyra said, but the creature walked right inside and shook his head. "No. I'm exactly where I need to be." The creature stated. Kayla saw the creature and clenched her fist almost seeing him barge in like that a potential threat. "....You're a hell spawn.. Why're here?" Kyra asked and observed the person from a distance. "Smoke. He said he would like to speak to you. Face to face." The creture stated Kyra blinked a few times and paused, but soon laughed. "What? That guy almost got me killed. No way. Tell him I said he can forget about that."

The hell spawn shook his head slowly. "He said you'd say that. So he said if you refuse he'd cause another scene on Earth. A big one. So I think you should go, hero." Kyra gave the creature a look and sighed. "I'm no damn hero.. And tell him fine. Just a talk. Nothing more." The creature nodded and teleported away into flames. Kayla came walking down the stairs a bit uncertain by her fathers intentions. "You're not going, right Dad?" She asked with a lot of sass. Kyra nodded. "Yes... Yes I am. His work here could be very dangerous... I have to hun."

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