He's Hot

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The next few weeks were rather eventful for Freddie. She continued to treat her work as the first priority in her life, which essentially made it more and more difficult for her asshole of a supervisor to deny her usefulness in their company. She had yet to present her own findings to the CEO; however, she could see that her supervisor was running out of excuses to keep her from it. In that regard, her fight for excellence was paying off.

Freddie's friend Cher had introduced her to some of her old sorority sisters as well, giving Freddie that sense of female companionship that she had been missing since moving to New York. It was nice to spend time with people who didn't have a dick every once in while. They had wine nights together, talked about the shitty men in their lives, and even went to spin classes together to get in shape for the summer.

Freddie didn't like that last one too much, but she went anyway for the sake of bonding. She felt she needed it, especially because she wasn't able to contribute much on the boy-talk topic. Though things were going well with Damien, the two of them had agreed to keep their relationship private since there were rules against interoffice dating. She knew she could trust Cher and her friends, but still, Freddie knew it was better to be safe than sorry. After all, she didn't want to lose her job- or Damien- because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. That would just be unpardonably cliche if they were to be caught.

Things with Damien were going extremely well, though. She spent many of her nights at his place, enjoying his company just as much as she enjoyed his touch. There was something animalistic in the way that Damien fucked her that drove her wild, so much so that she could hardly keep herself from telling Harry how ridiculously fast she was falling for him.

Harry, of course, welcomed her conversation even though it pained him to hear. As the weeks went on, he became more and more aware of the crush he had on his roommate. There were times when he worried about trying to force it away, but most of the time, he knew that it wear off soon enough, so he tried not to think too much of Freddie and her boyfriend. Though, that is not to say that his dislike of Damien ever wavered.

Damien had come around the apartment a few times, mostly for Freddie to gather her things to take over to his place, and every time, Harry couldn't help but get a bad vibe about him every time he showed up to take Freddie away. There was just something about him that Harry didn't like, though he couldn't point out exactly what it was. The only thing he could even think to say against the man was that he was too suave, but Harry knew that that wouldn't possibly count as a valid complaint. Thus, with no reason to protest Damien's presence, Harry remained silent on the subject.

Things were a little different for Harry at home as Freddie's relationship with Damien continued to deepen. Unlike during those first few weeks of having nightly meals prepared by Freddie, Harry was left to fend for himself most nights, though to his surprise, he found that his tolerance for ramen had lessened significantly. Freddie had spoiled him, and so Harry began to try to cook real meals for himself. They weren't as good as Freddie's, but they were better than ramen, so Harry was content.

He was lonely though. His friends still came over most Friday nights, on which occasion, Freddie did set aside some of her time to prepare a meal for them; however, Harry found himself missing those late-night conversations he had begun to enjoy at the beginning of Freddie's time there in New York.

Harry was glad for Saturdays, since most of the time, Freddie would spend them working just like he did, though her work always seemed to revolve around this one specific case. Whatever it was, it was extensively detailed, and she was always frustrated by what she was looking at. It took up a lot of her time, which wasn't a bad thing since Damien often went out of town on the weekends to spend time with his mother. It was during these weekend work sessions that Harry and Freddie had time to catch up with each other. Harry's share in the conversation was admittedly dull, but he was always interested to hear about Freddie's week, as long as it didn't have to deal entirely with Damien.

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