Keep It on the DL

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// Sorry it's been so long on this one my dudes... I'm working on it lol, also Ina is me during this quarantine//

The next morning Freddie awoke to an empty bedroom with sunlight streaming through the window on the other side of the room. She groaned at how bright it was and supposed that the light must have woken Harry up since he wasn't in his bed anymore. Stretching her arms above her head and yawning, Freddie shut her eyes again and sighed. After the eventful day before, she felt as if she could lay in bed forever.

Opening her eyes again, Freddie stared up at the cream colored ceiling and thought back to what had happened yesterday, though once she replayed the events of last night, she scared herself so terribly that she found herself sitting up in bed, eyes wide and staring at Harry's empty bed. Harry. The whiskey. The beach. They had talked about their feelings out loud, and she had actually agreed to go on a date with him. What the fuck?

It wasn't that she regretted it; she just couldn't believe herself for caving so easily when just yesterday, she had convinced herself of how terrible of an idea it was. Going out with Harry would complicate her life significantly, and if she wasn't careful, it could result in her having to move out and find an apartment that wasn't nearly as cheap as the one she had found with him. But then there was the rebound thing. She wasn't sure if that's what she was doing in agreeing to go out with him, but she prayed it wasn't. The last thing she wanted to do was use him just because she was lonely and confused about how Damien had left her. That wouldn't be fair to Harry at all.

But all that didn't really matter now. Freddie had agreed to go out with him, and so she would follow through with that commitment. After all, what harm could it do? It was just one date, nothing too serious, so it would be fun.

"Okay," Freddie sighed, whispering quietly to herself. "It's fine. We'll just see how it goes..."

Deciding not to dwell on it any longer, Freddie reached for her phone and checked the time, which nearly made her shit her pants. It was almost eleven, and she hadn't even started getting ready yet, much less began to set out everything for the baby shower, which was supposed to start at noon. She scolded herself for not setting an alarm, but even she knew that to do so was silly; she didn't ever sleep in, so there was no way she could have known this would happen.

Jumping out of bed and rushing to the shower, Freddie skipped washing her hair and instead loaded it with dry shampoo and a texturizing spray to soak up the grease at the top of her scalp. She figured she could manage a messy high pony tail and somehow make it look cute with the dark green dress she had brought. It wasn't much, but it was what she could manage with the limited time she had been given to prepare for the trip.

After fixing her makeup as quickly as she could, Freddie hurriedly changed into her shoes and her dress, which she managed to zip as she ran into the living room. When she got there, she found Harry standing by the stove, wearing gray slacks and a white button down shirt that she hadn't seen him wear before. She had always thought he looked handsome in his suits, and for the first time, she felt like she didn't have to shove that thought away. She smiled.

At the sound of her heels clicking against the hardwood floors, Harry turned his head and found Freddie standing there in a forest green dress he had never seen her wear before. The sleeves were long, the neckline was low, and the skirt was all flowy. He thought she looked breathtaking. Harry smiled, then bashfully lowered his eyes so as not to stare too long.

"You look really nice," he told her shyly, turning himself entirely from the pan on the stove and looking at her head on.

Freddie smiled upon hearing his compliment and looked down at her dress, smoothing out the flowing skirt. But despite his reassurance, she couldn't help but doubt herself. Freddie hadn't had reason to wear this dress in quite a while, so she wasn't quite sure that this was even the right time to pull it out. She knew it was too late to change now, but all the same, she needed Harry to tell her that it was the right thing to wear to something like this. After all, she had never been to the Hamptons before, and she hadn't the slightest clue of how they did things there.

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