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After dinner, which was wonderful by the way, Freddie left Harry in the living room so that she could shower and put on a fresh face of makeup before going out. While she embarked upon this rather long process, Harry continued working on the papers he had been looking at when Freddie had arrived. Although, no matter how hard he tried to focus, none of them really seemed to make sense to him at the moment. He was far too distracted by how full he felt and how loud Freddie happened to be singing in the shower. It'd be one thing if she were any good, but quite honestly, the girl couldn't sing to save her life. Harry found it kind of funny at first, but he soon became very well aware of the fact that this girl might just get in the way of his at-home projects.

"I'm surprised she's not good at everything," Harry said quietly to himself as Freddie tried to hit the high note in Queen's "Somebody to Love." That was at least one thing he didn't have to be jealous of her for; she may have been confident, but she couldn't sing for shit. Harry was the opposite; he was as shy as little baby bird, but he had the beautiful voice of an angel. Too bad no one ever got to hear it.

Deciding that he would just have to do his work the next day, Harry packed up his papers and took them to his room. After placing them nearly on his desk, he decided he would change into something a little more comfortable than his work clothes. So, he found his old black jeans, his beat-up brown Chelsea boots, and a plain white T-shirt, and laid on his bed until Freddie was ready to go.

While he waited, he replied to the group chat he and his friends had, telling them not to feel bad about cancelling poker night since he had found plans of his own. This, of course, piqued his friends' interest, more than one of them asking what kind of plans he had made. Harry rolled his eyes at their nosiness, but nonetheless responded, telling them that he and his new roommate would be grabbing a beer. This proved to be far less interesting than they had originally hoped; thus, they backed off, thinking that Freddie was just some random dude.

Harry, however, hadn't told his friends of his little predicament yet. If he had, well, he knew their reaction to him going out with his roommate would have been much different. They were always trying to set him up with female friends of theirs, though inevitably, it would not work out in the way he hoped. After the first few, Harry kind of stopped trying. He was sick of girls telling him he was too needy or too insecure; he hated that about himself already, so to be reminded of it by someone who was supposed to care for him eventually became too much. If he met someone, it would have to happen organically, though admittedly, this was not working out so great for him.

About forty-five minutes later, Harry could hear Freddie out in the living room, so he grabbed his wallet and his black coat from his desk chair and left his room, shutting the door behind him. Freddie was sat on the couch, her eyes looking down at her phone in her hand. But when Harry walked in the room, she looked up with a crimson smile that had Harry frozen in place. She looked so different with makeup on that for a moment, Harry wasn't sure if it was really her.

Freddie had her shiny dark hair down now, laying in curls across her chest and reaching down to just below her full breasts. Her dark eyes were made darker by her eyeshadow– a look Harry knew to be a smokey eye. Her complexion was smoother-looking than it had been earlier, and her cheekbones had become so fiercely defined that Harry really couldn't stop staring at them. He thought she looked really good, but for his personal taste in women, all this was a bit much. But then again, he knew she probably didn't put all that makeup on for him, so he wouldn't dare comment on it. If that's how she liked her makeup, then power to her.

"Ready?" she asked him, rising from her place on the couch and grasping her burgundy coat that lay beside her. Pulling it on over her worn out Rolling Stones T-shirt, she fluffed her hair and tied the belt around her waist. It was then that she looked at Harry's clothes, an excited smile taking over her mouth. "Look! We have matching pants!"

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