To Be Tamed

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"So lovely my Amaya,"

I gave another pain filled cry as my monstrous betrothed Kuban took my maidenhead. It had been quick, too quick for me to know what was happening. One moment we had been talking of my wifely duties and the next he had pushed my face down on his bed. Dress raised in the back, as he delivered a sharp pain that filled my insides.

It wasn't until I had seen the blood between my legs that I had realized he had just taken everything away from me.

"You did an excellent job my dear. You'll make a wonderful seventh wife." He said rubbing my head like I was a favorite dog.

Unable to feel, not human. . .

I put my head into my arms and cried even harder, harder than I had ever cried in my life. "We are not yet wed, and you have taken my maidenhead."

"Do not cry young one, even if you are impure, we will still be married." The monster Kuban said.

Did he not see, that was the problem? I did not want to wed him. Had been ready to tell him so, before he had grabbed hold of me. Yes, my parents had disowned me for the choice. But when I tell them of this, surely they will see I was right about not wanting to marry him. He was a beast of a man, and I was sure he liked hurting me.

Knowing he would do it again I waited until he left the room before I got out of the bed he had so easily thrown me onto. The pain in between my legs and my stomach made it so standing was nothing but painful.

Taking a Cloak so no one could see my face, I ran out the bed chamber, as quickly as I could. The tears burning behind my eyes made it hard to see where I was going, and yet I did not care. As long as I was away from here . . . away from that monster, that called itself a man.

Somehow I managed to find the steps I had used to get to that room, my haste to leave making it little to impossible to stop when a man appeared from one of the doorways. I bombed into a hard body that had me falling backwards only his big hands grabbing my arm stopped me from falling but also made the hood of my cloak fell back, revealing my face. Sure I was found, I fought even harder to keep the tears from escaping my eyes.

"You’re a pretty little maid. Why don't you come back to my chamber?" The stranger said pulling me to what had to be his room, knowing nothing but more pain would come if I followed him, I started to shake my head.

"No, no I have to go, I have to. . . Get my lord water." I pulled myself away from him, my mouth moving so fast it was only after I had spoken that I realized what I had said to him.

"Fine but after that come right back to my chamber, I'll have lots of work for you to do." Smacking my rear as he passed, the man walked away with a warrior’s stride power taking up the hall with his strong and controlled muscles.

Shaking my head back to the moment at hand, I ran out the Kingdom my legs feeling like they would push me no further, just outside was a black horse. Freedom, tears finally escaped my eyes as I hopped on and rode off. 


Seven days, seven days I had been running and hiding from Kuban’s men, so many close calls that I knew that God had been looking over me. But not today, today there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from the men who circled around me. The hunger in my belly had been the thing that gave me away.

"Damn you . . . Damn you all." I said as I ran for an opening to my horse. Only to have strong arms wrap around my waist, with everything I had my fist shot out, hitting him right in the throat. He let go instantly grabbing his neck with wide eyes, as he fought for breath. Laughter rung out around us, the other men looked on as he got back to his feet.

"Enough Keith," A deep familiar voice called out, setting on top of his horse, with brown hair that just lightly kissed his ear and strong cheekbones, sat the warrior I had met in the hallway of Kuban Kingdom. With one powerful move the warrior was off his horse and headed right for me.

But just as determined to reach me was the man I had hit in the throat, a killer's rage in his eyes. Jumping on top of me, the man who must have been Keith started ripping off my clothing. I let out a scream as I tried to push him off me. My sharp nails to his face finally getting him off me. I crawled back covering myself, not sure what he would do to me next.

"You got your revenge Keith that’s enough." The brown haired warrior said moving closer, his steps calm and lazy. With a devilish smile, he looked at me from head to toe, not hiding the desirer in his eyes.

I tried to gather my clothing together, but nothing would cover my naked body from their eyes. Keith face red with anger wasn't done yet, I could see it in his eyes. Before I could get away Keith had me by the hair and lifted me up, so we were eye level. Sick to my stomach with him, I spit in his face, only to receive a backhand in answer.

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