Chapter 2

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Pain and dizziness were the thing that awoke me, the rope that tied my hands behind my back was the thing that let me know I was captured. Slowly opening my eyes I looked at what was around me, I was in a tent no bigger than some ones bed-chamber. The pole that held me on my feet stopped at the top of the tent and ended deep in the ground, so deep that even as I pulled at it, I couldn’t get it to move.

I couldn't escape.

"No please, no, no." I sobbed on a long hopeless cry. I was dead, the king would kill me with his own hands, and there was no place to run now. Not that there had ever been a place for me to go, after I had escaped the first time. Thinking that my mother and Father would shield me after what he had done to me I had ran home. Only to watch my mother cry as my father slapped me and called me a fool, ‘now you will bring his wrath upon us.’ It was then I realized that I had not been given to Kuban to better my life, only so they would have one less mouth to feed.

I knew that now . . . I accepted it.

But I would not accept this.

"You shouldn’t have run from my father lady Amaya." My captor's deep voice said the same voice that had stopped me in the hall's back in Kuban’s Kingdom.

"Don't do this, don't take me back to him please." I begged as he walked around me his eyes seem to take me whole, not stopping until he looked right into my soul. Looking down at myself, I finally realized I was naked as the day I came into this world.

"Don't try to cover yourself now, I’ve already seen all of your lovely body." Despite his words, I still tried to hide my naked body from his hard and hunger gazes. He moved closer his hands reaching out to my cup my cheek with light fingers. "Spitting on me would not be wise, not if you like the man who knocked you out." He warning me as one of his fingers moved over my bottom lip. "I’m Ethan the first son of Kuban therefor I must deliver you to my father."  

I said nothing, no longer caring if my skin was out for the world to see.

"You know you will most likely die when we get back." I turned my head not wanting him to see my tears, as they slipped away. There was no hope, there was no getting out of this alive. "If you were to please me, then maybe I can talk to my father." Hope at his words filled me, right before I realize what he really wanted . . . Sex. My body for my freedom, I sucked in a deep breath, trying not to weep over my Disappointment at his words, "You are nothing but monsters, you and your father."

Giving me a little smile Ethan gazed deep into my eyes, his eyes low and seductive, as if he could control me with his looks alone. "Do you know the pleasure a monster could bring you?" He kissed my lips softly and laughs when I turned my head away.

"It will only bring pain, and I’m not one for pain, no matter how short it will be." I whispered my head down so that he couldn't see the wetness on my cheeks. A booming laugh filled the tent around me, making me jump with surprise. Ethan had his hands around his stomach as he fell onto his bed. "Damn it old man you’re losing your touch."  

"Do not laugh at me, you beast of a man, I do not jest when I tell you it caused me pain." I said my voice burning with anger at his laughter, what man in joys the pain of a woman.

"No it is not you I laugh at it’s my father, he could never wait until after the wedding day." More laughter came as he got up and took my hands from behind my back. The anger that had filled me was now burning down with fear of the unknown, will he let me go, or will he kill me now.

I was pushed on the bed with him on top of me, his big body completely covering mine. "How about this, if I give you any pain at all I'll let you go and if I don't, then you will be my little slave."

I stopped, my heart beating so hard I thought he could see it right through my chest. What else could I do but give in to him. If I didn't I was sure he would do it anyway, better to have him try to make it painless.

But even with that I couldn't stop the alarm that came over me, the need to cry out the pain and anger that overwhelmed me with icy cold fingers. "O-Okay," Deep breaths, deep breaths, "I-I'll do it."

"All you have to do is give your body to me." Ethan whispered next to my ear, his light lips slowly kissed and licked its way down my neck bone, on to my soft breast, until there was nothing but his mouth to cover my nipple. I sucked in a deep breath as a tender feeling came over my body and moved its way in between my legs, were somehow I grow. . . Wet and achy.

Lowering his hand, Ethan touched me in the spot where I most ached, making me moan and lift to his every stroke, but he didn't enter me. Just ever so lightly ran his hands against my womanhood, making my legs shake.

"I see you won’t be hard to read." He slid his tongue against my breast, making me moan closed mouth. He laughs knowing I was trying to hide my pleasure at his every touch.

"No I won’t need to do much." His head lifted slowly until our eyes met in hot intensity, which seem to stop time itself. "But I will." With that said his head went down until he came eye to eyes with my sex, making me swallow with fear and excitement, a need to know, yet fearing the unknown passion that a waited.

Still looking at my face Ethan kissed my sex, it began to cream and flex, as if it were trying to pull him in. My face grow red, was this supposed to happen? Pushing one of his fingers in side, I gave a gasp of surprise, as he dominated everything I felt and saw. Ethan sucked my womanhood in hungry amusement, as he gave me ever thing he said he would and some.

Fingers thrusting, mouth devouring, I cried out my gratification in low sweet moans.

Then as if he were mad Ethan spread my legs as far apart as they could go, his clothing came off as his knees kept my legs from closing. A sense of dismay filled me, as I tried to get away from him knowing only pain would come from this. But he didn't let me. Ethan took my hands and lifted them above my head, so that I could no longer push at his chess.

"Silence there is no reason to be troubled."

He plunged himself inside me with the power of a beast commanding submission from me. I cried out my eyes close, but not from pain, god no it was from the pleasure of his hardness, his sweet possessive strokes, he so strongly gave me, again and again he thruster inside me. White fire heating my insides, tearing me apart with my own need for more of him. As if he knew just what I needed, Ethan pushed harder inside me faster not holding himself back as he took me whole.

I moved with him, as I begun to feel a pressure in my belly, a squeezing force that when his powerful body moved, sent me over the edge, and in to another world of intensity and feeling, of dark desire. That took over the mind and bonded the soul in its web.

"What have you done to me?" Amaya side as she ended her cry, only getting male laughter in return as his breathlessly said in to her neck,

"I have made you mine."

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