Chapter 5

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“I’m asking you to stay Amaya.” William had said to me after walking me back to my room to think it over.

Could I stay?            

What have I done, this was not how my life was supposed to go, not with me. I was to marry a perfect gentleman, one that would give high states in life and lots of children. William said he could give me that. But could a man running a whore house really give her that.

I was never supposed to be a slave or live in a whore house but now. It seem the only way to live a life of I want would be to give in to William.

Should I stay?

But the more I began to know my body, the more I became less ashamed of the ways these men were making me feel, it was all most freeing knowing my body was something they wanted . . . that I was desired.

Though I knew Ethen would could explore them with me I knew he wouldn’t treat me like a lady, not like William had showed me in the small time he had spent with him.  

Taking the dress that William had given me I headed out into the night, I knew where I was headed could get me killed, but I had to go. No I didn’t know why, I just knew I had to.

I headed out into the night.

Hiding in the shadows to the side of the tent I looked inside and saw Ethan talking to one of his men.

Seeing Ethan again was like seeing him for the first time, his dark jet black head of hair that ever so slightly touched his ears. His hard body was big, tall and lean, power and control ran strongly in his body. But I didn’t want him . . . lie.

“-you’re Father.”

“I am tiered of you all trying to compare me to that man, I am not him nor will I ever be him so stop.” Ethan yelled at the older solder as he got in to his face, not backing down, not showing any weakness just strength and power.

“Your right about that he would have never trusted a whore.” The older solder said unknowing of the danger he was in, that is until Ethan fist shot out and hit the older man in the mouth.

“Get out of my sight.”

I was shock beyond words had Ethan just defended my honor or had that all been about his father.

“Damn her.”

I sucked in a deep breath this had been about me . . . but damn it I shouldn’t be touched at that, not with this man.

But I didn’t need him any more I had William he would keep me safe, I wouldn’t have to run any longer.

Knowing what I had to do, I took a step back without looking. Stepping on a branch, Ethan looked right at me through the slit of the tent. I ran into the forest then, lifting my dress so not to slip but the mud from the ran made it harder to get away.

A big body took hold of me, making us both fall, I fell face first in to the mud before Ethan came and flipped me over on to my back. I bet at his chest as I tried to escape his muscled griped.

But he didn’t give in, just kissed me long and hard. His mouth hungry and demanding as if I were pushed back in time to that first night with him. I gave in, giving just as much to him as he gave to me.

Ethan lifted my dress allowing me to wrap my legs around his powerful hips. I didn’t know or care to find out how he realest his self from his pants, but I know the feel of it falling against my heat mad us both cry out.

“Why do I burn so bad when I’m not inside you?” Ethan gave me another kiss as he rubbed his man part against me making me wet and aching.

Was this what I had come back to, his body? Had I unknowingly needed to feel him inside me or was it something deeper, shaking off the thought I started to bite at his lips making them fat and pink like he had mad mine.

“The same reason I burn inside for you.” I said my eye lids going heavy with need. It was true, I burned more than I had with any other man, and it was like he took them all away, as if it were my first time.

At my words Ethan seem to grow more needy, his fingers hungry as he touched and played with my breast sending waves of unstoppable delight up my body, giving me what I wanted and needed all at once Ethan entered me with slow and easy care as if savoring every slow push, every tight muscles fighting to keep him out yet somehow welcoming him with flaming hunger.

“Ethan,” I breathe out letting him take me high and higher, as pleasure danced upon my body.  

Ethan looked down in to my eyes. “Say it again say you burn for me, tell me I am the only one who makes you burn like this.”

Knowing no amount of biting my lips could stop me I repeated everything somehow giving myself as will.

“Amaya!” He moaned in to my ear right before he kissed me.

Faster, harder he went deeper and deeper not stopping until he touched a spot no other could, taking what no other could. My nails dug in to his powerful shoulders needing him closer to stop the fire raging in side me until we finally climaxed.

We fell in to each other than just lying there in the stillness of the night, Ethan gently moved both his hands in to mine.    

“Damn It Amaya you weren’t supposes to run, I would have protected you from my father,” Taking both of my hands and lift them above my head, knowing I had long stop fighting him.            

“No you couldn’t, if you’re father had said no, there would be nothing you could do about it.” I started to fight then realizing the truth of my own words as I went on. “So if you really want to protect me, you’ll have to let me go.”

As if made of stone Ethan froze letting my words snick in. “I don’t want to let you go.” He whispered softly, his hand coming down only to wipe the mud off my face.

“Protect me Ethan . . . letting me go.” We looked in to each other’s eyes for what had to be forever, the smell of our love making, still in the air.

As if ripping a body part off, Ethan jerked off me, his manhood sliding out as he fell back on to his bottom his breath hard. “Go . . . get out of here before I change my mind.”

I quickly got to my feet running off in to the woods looking back only once, but not with hate. But with gratefulness Ethan was far from a gentleman, but that didn’t make him less of a man. 

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