Chapter 4

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I was sick, my body was weak from the days of walking without food and being exposed to the elements. My horse was lying by a river side too weak to go on as well.

I felt like giving up, like my life was going to be taken from me before I ever got to take freedom for my own.

“I will make it,”

My legs broke from under me, making me fall in to the mud, my body unwilling to take me any farther.

“Get up . . . get up goddamn it.” I couldn’t, I was so tired, and all I wanted to do was sleep, just sleep for a moment . . .

I awoke to a worm bed and the sound of popping fire, the smell of burning firewood filled my lungs. I eased in to the covers not wanting to move, to afraid that I would come to find that this was all a dream and I laid in the mud of the forest.

“I see you’re up.”

I jumped at the deep voice in the room, making me wide eyed, as I sat straight up in bed. Over by a window stood a tall lean man in a black suit, with golden blond hair, his pale skin shine with the light of the moon bathing him.

“I am William my lady.” He turned to me then showing the most bluest eyes I had ever seen on a man, his face was almost beautiful if it wasn’t so manly.  

“I’m Ama-.” I stopped recognizing that telling him my name may put me in danger.

William raised an eye brow at that, making him smile with amusement. “Have you forgotten you’re name dear or is it Ama.”

I started to answer but stopped realizing, “You already known my name don’t you,” He was only playing with me.

“Yes I know you’re real name is Amaya, but we will worry about that tomorrow you are too weak to be up like this lay back down.”


“Word is all over of the runaway whore, a hundred gold pieces for whoever turns you in.”

“But . . . please do not take me back to him I-.” My hands fist in the covers at the word whore.

“We will talk of this later, now is the time for rest. I will not give you away as you sleep.” William had been walking across the room as he was speaking to me, his hard face somehow becoming foggy as I slowly fell back in to the pillow. Owe this felt so good, so much better than the cold muddy ground, I would only close my eyes for a moment, just a moment.

For what felt like a moment I found myself once again opening my eyes. It was now night outside.

I groaned as hunger hit me, how long has it been since I’ve eaten. A week maybe two in a half. Turning get out of the bed I found my self to weak to stand and fell to the ground. I held back my cry of pain so no one would hear but I was no use. Just was I was using the bed to get back to my feet William walked in his face clearly worried.

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