i could do

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Hello, and welcome to part 5! This is where the relationship picks up, so expect flirting and stuff to finally happen.

Vine of the chapter: "Is it destiny that we met?" "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" "DO YOU WANT TO PUT YOUR MOUTH ON MY MOUTH? Darnitt, I'm out."

Words: 1271


Not excited for sports anymore.
Because hell, these kids mean business.

With them, this isn't a friendly game of flag football; this is a rivalry of two teams. They were taking this much more seriously than I had anticipated they would, and it was quite obvious that Nya would tell that I was rather shocked.

I know they're a rowdy bunch, but you're not supposed to tackle in flag football! You're supposed to pull someone's flag, as opposed to tackling them! That's the literal point of the flag!
So explain to me why I was currently standing to the side, watching Cole and Jay tackle Lloyd and Kai. The four ended up in a pile, now just goofing off as aposed to actually- oh, I dunno- playing the game like we had planned. Nya tried to break it up, but somehow or another got pulled right along into the foolishness with the boys.

Our team had been winning against the other team- Lloyd's team. The game had been being taken seriously for well into an hour now before focus was broken completely. The focus was obliterated, destroyed. Now, they were goofing off. Acting like total idiots.
Cole and Jay had worked surprisingly well together, even with being so seemingly different. Cole was the muscle, the brute- Jay was speedy and agile, hard to catch and more than capable to run the ball and not be caught. I knew those two were a power duo. An unstopable force. An amazing team. But they had to go wild. A rowdy pair, those two were.

I watched, chuckling a bit, as the four boys ended up just goofing off and being rowdy instead of playing or acting with any rhyme or reason. Smiling, I walked over to sit by Zane, who looked on the scene calmly as if he had seen it a thousand times already. He didn't look phased at all. Which amazed me, considering how wild the scene unfolding actually was. I am not sure that I had ever seen anything quite like it before.

"Always end up this way?" I asked, glancing to Zane as I sat beside of him.
Zane gave a soft nod.
"Always does. They take it seriously for a while, everyone playing to win. Super competitive. Then they always get bored when one team pulls ahead, and goof off." He commented calmly.
I couldn't read him; was he annoyed or amused? Maybe neither. Yeah. Neither sounded right. What a strange guy. But he was pretty chill, I could vibe with him.
"Sounds to me that they like the competition more than the sport itself," I said with a small laugh. At that, Zane cracked a slight smile. I'm glad that he seemed to be warming up to me.
"Indeed." Came a simple response, as he lightly smiled. "I know it's a bit strange, but I wouldn't wish for it to be any other way." The icey pale male didn't quite enjoy the same things as his friends, as far as I could tell, but he didn't seem troubled by it; he was content to watch, it seemed.
"It's not strange at all. Just means you find comfort and contentment in your friends. That's good." I replied with a soft smile, which was gladly returned by the pale boy beside of me.
After, we simply sat in silence and watched the four boys and Nya mess around. I was amused, and Zane seemed content.

Soon enough, Nya had managed to get the boys to stop rough housing, and they came walking over to where Zane and I were seated; they looked more like a group of kids with all of the laughs and playful shoves than a group of college kids, with the jumbled mess they were walking in. It was amazing how well they got along; I had never seen such a closeknit group of friends before, to be totally honest.

They all gathered around, and we ended up in a lumpy, mishapen circle as they sat with Zane and I.

We simply talked for a while; about sports, animals, plants, music- whatever someone brought up, we chatted about until a new topic was mentioned. They were all very inclusive and friendly, which I appreciated tremendously. I was fitting in nicely already; they were making an effort.

"You all wanna go ahead and walk over to the store for food?" Lloyd asked after a few moments of casual chitchat amongst the group. And thank the Lord, because I was hungry. Bless that blonde child for asking.
"I'm ready for lunch!" Jay chimed in brightly with an enthusiastic nod, grinning at the idea of finally having lunch.
Guess teenage boys worked up a big apetite roughing around like that. Not surprising. I was pretty hungry, and they had messed around and exercised a lot more than I had. So I couldn't imagine how hungry they were.

...Or maybe they just liked food Also relatable.

"No use in all of us going, unless everyone just wants to." Cole started. Most people shrugged or shook their head, not seeming to really mind whether or not they went.
"Everyone wanna pitch in a dollar or two, then a few people wanna walk over and buy some stuff?" Cole asked. "I don't mind to, if someone else wants to go with me," He said with a shrug, not-so-casually glancing to me. It was pretty obvious, and it made my cheeks flushed. He didn't see a problem with everyone going; he just wanted me to go with him, and he sure didn't care to make it obvious. Damnitt Cole, now I was embarrassed.

"Sure, I don't mind. Sounds fine to me." I responded with an embarrassed smile as I stood. What was said next nearly made me fall right back down and choke on the air in my lungs.

"Only if ya want, doll." Cole said with a grin, my cheeks flushing a bit. I had never been one for the old terms of endearment, but lord THAT BOY.

I simply nodded shyly, watching as Cole smiled and collected a few dollars from everyone there so everyone will have paid for part of the meal. After, we headed off to the store.

After we were hearing distance away from the group, I looked up at him with a half-assed scowl, though I was quite clearly amused.

Giving a him a playful shove, I continued my oh-so-threatening look of amusement. "Well aren't you a big time flirt? Never woulda guessed!" I said in mock anger, making him smile. We were already nearly to the store, the walk not being fare at all.

"Only to the girls I really like," he stated with a wink, making me scoff playfully and shove his arm a bit. Smiling amusedly, he held the door open for me and the two of us walked inside the small convenient store.

"That's still plural, Cole. Girls. More than one. I'm not the only one? How classy! A true gentleman, I'm impressed!" I said dramatically, giving a genuinely amused laugh as we walked through the store, picking up bread, chips, dips, drinks, and sandwich meat. And unsalted sunflower seeds for the ducks, of course!

Cole chucked, bumping into my side playfully as he smiled down at me, making me stumble a bit, then move to lean into him slightly. "Let me take you out tomorrow and I'll show you how a real gentlemen acts." Cole in a low, flirty tone. But he was genuine, I could easily tell. He really did want to go out on a date, and that surprised me.

"I'll take you up on that offer, Brookestone. Tomorrow. It's a date."

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