i could even learn

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"Nya, stop." I huffed and picked up my socks for- and I'm not exaggerating- the third damn time in not even 5 minutes, which the other girl had oh-so-kindly knocked onto the floor in an attempt to annoy me into telling her where I was was going.

"Where are you going?" came once again Nya's persistent voice, as she then nudged my shoe with her foot, sending it sliding across the room and thumping right into the far wall. I groaned in displeasure at the stubborn girl and tossed my dirty shirt -that I had just changed out of- right at her face. She had been doing this relentlessly all morning, in an effort to either stall and keep me here or to annoy me into submission and make me give up and tell her where I was trying to get ready to go.

"Nowhere. Nya, stop." I huffed for the twentieth time in the past hour, at least.
She was so persistent to figure out why I was getting up and getting dressed on a Sunday night.
Normally, Saturdays and Sundays were my two days to sleep in and not wake until the sun went to sleep. But I had gotten up yesterday to hang out with Nya and her friend group, and today I was going on my date with Cole.

"Spill or I'll find out in my own anyways," The girl said with a grin, and I groaned out in protest as I slipped on my shoes. Well, slipped on one shoe. I put the one on that she hadn't graciously kicked across the room, then walked across the dorm room with one shoe on, so I could retrieve the other.

"Good God, Nya, fine. I'm just going out on a date. If everything goes well with him, then I will tell you about him. But I wanna make sure he's not a flop first, before I get my hopes up too much... or anybody else's hopes too, for that matter. If the date goes well, I'll spill tonight." I explained as I slipped on my other shoe, hoping this answer would satisfy the girl.

Nya had a knowing look in her eyes, but nodded. "If he doesn't work out, you could always settle for Cole." she said with a small smile and a soft wink- scratch that. A huge smirk sounds more accurate. And a way overdramatic wink.
You know, that one you do where your mouth opens, and your whole cheek moves up, and your head even moves with it? That one that is in absolutely no way subtle? Yeah. That's the one.

I smiled a bit, turning to the door and grabbing my lanyard with my room keys, putting it around my neck. "Yeah... I'll just settle for Cole if this other guy doesn't work out." I said softly as I stepped out, walking down the hall, and heading downstairs to where Cole said to meet him. I had a feeling she already suspected us; she was very aware of things, usually figuring things out very quickly. But maybe not this time. She may have been too focused on hooking Cole and I up, to even want to pay attention to any of my other dates.
But no matter, I can't worry about that right now; I need to focus on tonight. If this worked out, I would consider spilling to Nya and being with Cole. If it didn't, it meant we should just be friends.

No pressure. Just a simple date with a boy. If you fuck it up, you can still be friends.

So why was I so nervous?

I ceased my worries, and smiled a bit as I saw Cole, the two of us meeting up and walking to one of the campus resturants for our little date night.
"Y'know... now that I think about it, it wasn't the best idea to meet up outside of the dorms if we want to stay a secret. Nya probably just looked out the window and saw us together." he said with a laugh as we began walking side by side towards a resturant.

I rolled my eyes, cracking a small smile- faking being annoyed as I looked up at the boy. "It was your idea, you idiot." I stated and gave a soft laugh, eyes lighting up as I walked with the boy.
"Besides, if she finds out, it's her fault if she ends up disappointed if we don't work out in the end." I said with a small shrug, smiling up at the boy as we walked. All of my nervousness had dissipated. Because I knew that we had an agreement; if we didn't work out, it was alright. We would be friends. And none of our friends would know because we wouldn't say anything about it. So no one would end up disappointed. Everyone could still be comfortably friends.

But... why was I suddenly not okay with that?

"You don't have faith that we'll work out together, (Y/n)?" Cole asked with a small smirk, taking my hand suddenly as we walked. For such a big, strong guy, he held my hand very delicately as if he may break me.
"Guess I'll have to be a even more of a gentleman tonight to prove you wrong then, huh doll?" he asked and kissed my hand.

My cheeks flushed, and my stomach felt as if a million butterflies were fluttering about inside, trying to burst free- no, nevermind. That was my heart trying to forcefully tear it's way through my chest; trying to burst free.
In simple words, this damn boy aas about to kill me.

Tonight I had figured out one thing for sure; I would not be okay if we ended up being just friends. That's for sure.

Word count: 1,002
Updates will be coming more often! Finally have a new phone to write on, and have finally recovered all of my story planning.
Also, check out my Lloyd x Reader if interested!

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