about anything

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Hello, all!
Sorry for the delay in this chapter; my laptop broke and it's been an insane hassle to get a new one. And I have Uni work that has to be done online, so that was a whole big mess too. Fun times in the adult world, kidoes. ✌
I can post on my phone, but it formats really weirdly if I do.
If this were to happen in the future, just incase, would you all prefer me to just update with weird formatting or wait???

Vine of the chapter: "Look at all those chickens"

Words: 1468


After Cole asked me out, I was kinda afraid we would end up... awkward and uncomfortable with one another.
That seemed pretty common in a new relationship; you've just now taken a step forwards, and it can cause people to get awkward with one another. You're unsure how to act, what to do differently, what to say. It's just weird.
But somehow, even with me being me, it wasn't all too bad. It felt pretty natural to be walking and talking with him, even after we were... a thing? I'm not sure what we where, actually.
Were we actually dating, or where we just going on a date?
There's a difference, you know? Going on a date can be a one time thing. Dating- being boyfriend and gilfriend- isn't a one night thing.
So what the hell were me and Cole?
Don't know. But it didn't feel awkward at all. Just confusing.
Which was good, because we had both agreed at the store to not tell the others just yet just in case things didn't run completely smoothly. We both understood that it was better to not reveal ourselves until we were sure we would last. Didn't want to tell immediately and let everyone get disappointed if it didn't turn out.

So, we acted fairly natural when we got back to the group with the food. Nothing seemed to have changed between us, as far as others could tell. We weren't all awkward and embarrassed, we didn't give anything away; we were chill, and that was a pleasant surprise.

"Hey Jay, catch!" Cole shouted as he approached, chucking the pack of sandwich meat at an unsuspecting ginger boy.

"Hey!" Jay shouted and sat up off the ground from where he had been laying, the meat falling off of his now-assulted chest.

"Hey Jay, catch!" I shouted just after; mocking Cole's actions and speech, I chucked the sunflower seeds at the boy as Cole had. Though not as hard or sudden, of course.
I wasn't good enough friends with him to get away with assault yet, of course.

That time, Jay caught it since he wasn't caught off gaurd like when Cole chucked it at him. The ginger boy grinned, eyes lighting up as he looked at the bag.
"Sunflower seeds for the ducks! Thanks!" He exclaimed with a grin, seeming to be quite excited about them. He seemed surprised, as if he thought we would forget.
... Or as if the dork had forgotten himself. Probably.

I chuckled at the thought and plopped down beside of him haphazardly as I more or less just let myself fall down into a sitting position, grinning right back at the boy.
"No prob," I said, doing goofy finger guns as I winked, sending a lopsided grin his way. Jay laughed a bit and did the same, goofily sending me finger guns right right as he grinned and winked playfully.

Jay was quite obviously excited to feed the ducks, soon going from finger-guns to looking like he was about to get up and do it right now before he even got to eat anything that we had bought. Nobody else seemed to be too excited about feeding the ducks; I wandered if he suggested this every time and got shot down. But this group didn't seem like that.
Jay was probably just excited, wanting to feed them now. With him, it was honestly pretty likely that they did this often. He seemed like a fun-loving guy, and just wanted to feed some damn ducks.

Respect, man.
Let him be excited.

But as soon as he heard a chip back being opened, he sat back down and watched Cole expectantly. The boy in blue looked like a damn puppy waiting for his human to give him a treat.
Damn... they all did. All these boys were just begging puppies, hungry after a day of play.

And Cole was the treat.
I mean the treats were Cole.

Damnitt, (y/n). Get it together, you idiot. You probably look like a fool, and for what? You're embarrassing yourself.

Maybe not letting the others know was gonna be harder than I had orginally thought it would be. Because now I was a blushing mess- no, I was a damn blushing disaster.

I gave an awkward laugh, shifting my gaze away uncomfortably. Some looked confused, as I hadn't voiced any of that out loud; so my embarrassment wasn't totally justified. It Probably appeared as if I had just gotten randomly embarrassed.
Which still, pretty accurate, right?

I awkwardly began to help Cole take things out of bags, organize it, and hand everyone a paper plate. Then, everyone began to make their sandwiches and grab chips and drinks.
We had 3 or 4 types of chips, bread, sandwich meats, chip dips, little cakes for desert, and some sodas and waters. I thought we had gotten way too much, but Cole assured me that it would all get eaten. So, we got it all; and damn, it was a chore to lay it all out.
Shoulda just let everyone fight and elbow to get to what they wanted. Sounds easier. And funnier.

I quickly relaxed from my awkward state at the amusing thought of that, smiling a bit again as I began to assemble my own sandwich.
There was cheerful banter, friendly shoves, smiles. Muffled choruses of "Can you pass those chips?" "Move over, can't reach," from everyone having their mouths stuffed.
It was so much fun; the most fun I'd had in quite a while, that was for sure.

"Whoa, boy. Slow down, you're gonna choke. There'll be more food later," I told Kai with a soft laugh, as the Brown-haired boy scarfed down what I was sure was at least his second sandwhich, while he reached for more food.
Kai just grinned, grabbing two of the cakes we had bought and happily chowing down.
Hungry Teenage boys. Yikes.
Damn, they all were seeming to eat that way. Hungry boys.

Relatable, right?

I just laughed a bit and continued to eat and talk, and we soon had finished up.
Lloyd and Kai had finished before us and went off to woo some women. Which, I could tell even from afar, wasn't going all too well for them. They looked like idiots.

"What are they doing? They look like such jerks." Nya murmured to me, seeing the two boys trying to compete over the same girl.

"Being teenagers, man. Horny boys saw a pretty girl." I responded with a passive shrug. Suddenly, I grinned mischeviously at my friend.
"But hopefully their intentions are pure... Just looking for a girlfriend, nothing more... Just hope they ain't thinking with the wrong head, huh?" I said with a grin, Nya's response being a disgusted face and a shove.
Cole and Jay, unlike Nya, were both quite amused at my little joke. Glad someone liked my humor.
That even caught Zane's attention, though I don't know that he understood. He looked a bit confused as to Nya's disgust, but kept quiet.
An innocent one. In this bunch? Hm.

"Ew, (y/n)! That's my brother!" she said, looking disgusted now. Deciding she believed me and didn't like it, she went to tug the two away from the girl.

Soon, now that we were all back and done eating, we began to clean.
The others threw away the trash, while Cole and I put what little food and drinks were left into Kai's bag for later. 0

"Time to go feed some ducks?" I asked with a grin, looking at a fake-unamused Cole. He acted as if he was annoyed by it, but I could tell he wasn't.

"If we must," he stressed dramatically, standing and offering me a hand. So much for not being romantic at all, Cole. Didn't see him offer anyone else a hand. Real smooth, slick.

"Oh, we must. Or they'll starve from lack of sunflower seeds, and Jay will explode from disapointment!" I said dramatically back, milking it quite a bit.

The others chuckled and headed down the trail to the pond, each of us with a little bag of seeds for the ducks.
I didn't understand what Jay was so excited for. I mean, yeah, it was relaxing. But he was REALLY excited.

But soon, I did.
"Here it comes." I heard Cole mumble, Kai sighing.

Suddenly, Jay stopped, and pointed at the ducks and geese and other water fowls in the pond.
"Look at all those chickens!" Jay said with a grin.

I was amused, laughing a bit too hard, while the others looked over it and began to walk away from the laughing pair of Jay and I.

Damnitt my sense of humor is fowl.

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