Day 20 - More Than Just Maintaining Cover - Ginny/Tonks

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Prompt: Fake Dating
Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Nympadora Tonks
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1,440
Summary: Tonks and Ginny frequently go undercover as a couple, but they've never had to sell it like this before.

Tags: EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Tonks Lives, Auror Ginny, Auror Tonks, Undercover, Undercover as a Couple (or more like handsy drunks), Public Fooling Around

(To comply with content guidelines, only the first portion is posted here and the rest can be read on AO3 through the provided external link, for those on mobile the link is not visible, go to my AO3 through the link in my bio and find the series and fic there.)

More Than Just Maintaining Cover

Ginny shuddered and tried to stay focused. "Don't you think you're laying it on a bit thick?" she said, even as she tilted her head to the side to give Tonks more access to her neck.

"Look around," Tonks muttered into her ear. "I'm not laying it on thick enough."

A sweep of the seedy club they were in proved her right. Hands were disappearing under clothes, couples were writhing in every corner or shadowy spot. The music wasn't nearly loud enough. Ginny could hear people moaning, and it wasn't helping how very turned on she was getting. All Tonks was doing was kissing her neck, but she'd been doing it for long enough now that Ginny was finding it difficult to pay attention to their surroundings.

She was supposed to be keeping an eye out for their suspect, while playing the part of getting off on watching everyone else, but with the dim lighting and the distraction of Tonks' mouth on her neck, she didn't think she'd notice if he walked right past them. The dim lighting and a few glamours were keeping their identities hidden, but even if Tonks didn't really look like Tonks, Ginny was having a hard time stopping herself from imagining they were in this seedy club for real, and not for a mission.

That things might go a little differently.

It wasn't the first time they'd pretended to date for a mission, with Tonks able to look like whoever she wanted, she often appeared as man with Ginny posing as her girlfriend or wife under glamours. But this?

They hadn't had to sell it like this before. Nor had Tonks ever remained so similar to her own appearances.

Ginny would be lying to herself if she tried to pretend she hadn't imagined something like this happening on an undercover mission.

"Stick your hand under my top then," she whispered, her face burning. She'd rather Tonks stuck her hand somewhere else, but there wasn't any way she could play that off as just maintaining their cover of two handsy drunks.

Part of her wished the suspect would show up already, but really, she wanted as much of this as she could get, and shuddered as Tonks bit gently at her neck.

"You sure?" Tonks asked, whispering hotly into her ear and flicking her earlobe with her tongue. "Your top is all but see through, I'd have to actually touch you or it would give us away."

Ginny bit her lip as her face burned and she throbbed and ached between her legs. "Just do it," she muttered. "He could get here any moment, and we just have to see him meet with the buyer and hand off the potions, then we can arrest him. If we're just standing around with you pecking at my neck, we'll draw too much attention!"

Tonks rested one hand on her hip and Ginny tried not to lean into the touch. "I feel like I should at least buy you dinner first, Bats," Tonks said with a low laugh.

Read the rest on AO3 through the provided external link or by finding the series and fic on my AO3 account (link in bio).

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