Day 25 - No Monsters Here - Parvender

626 15 4

Prompt: "We'll get through this together."

Pairing: Lavender Brown x Parvati Patil

Rating: Teen and Up

Word Count: 262

Summary: Parvati finds Lavender in a pool of blood during the Battle of Hogwarts and manages to find a working floo to take her to St. Mungo's.

Tags: Established Relationship, EWE, Battle of Hogwarts, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Lavender Brown Lives, Werewolf Lavender Brown

No Monsters Here

"We'll get through this together."

Lavender didn't respond, and Parvati gripped her hand tighter where it rested on the bed. The Healer left quietly to give them privacy, and Lavender's parents still hadn't arrived. She didn't know how to handle this. Lavender wouldn't even look at her. She just stared at the ceiling. Magic wouldn't heal the wounds, and they were bandaged. So many bandages Parvati felt sick.

But it was better than how she had looked when Parvati had found mid-battle, her lying in a pool of her own blood and rushed her to a working floo and straight to St Mungo's.

She hadn't even known who had won until St Mungo's had come to a standstill around them and cheered.

But everything was back to business shortly after, and with that had come the unfortunate news.

"It doesn't change anything," she whispered softly, stroking the back of Lavender's hand with her thumb. "You're alive. That's all that matters."

"I don't want to be," Lavender whispered, and Parvati saw tears slip from the corners of her eyes. "I'm a...I'm a monster now."

Parvati grabbed a tissue with her free hand and dabbed at her eyes for her. "No. You're still beautiful. You're still kind and compassionate. You'll never be a monster to me. We'll get you through this."

Lavender squeezed her hand tightly. "I don't know if I can. What will I...what will I do now?"

"Anything you want," Parvati said, stiffening her spine. "And if anything, anyone, gets in the way of that, we'll fight them together!"


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