And so it begins

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People always told me life would be good. It would be exciting and full of adventures, especially for me. A werewolf. But that wasn't true. They had all lied, and for that I truly, truly hate them. Because in all honesty i'd rather be any where but here.

"Mia hurry up with the shots please." I grip the computer mouse tightly and grit my teeth. "Says, stop. I am not on check-up duty right now." She scowls. "So?" The phone rings and I pick it up. "Please hold for just a moment." I turn back to her and fold my hands.

"So, that means get it yourself." She glares and then stomps away. I return to the phone. "Alright sorry about that, this is Nemours child hospital how may I help you?" The person clears there throat and then answers.

"Yes, hi, my name is Trish Evans and i'm just calling to make sure about my sons appointment. His names-" Her voice becomes muffled suddenly and I wait patiently "Charlie let go of Bellas tail! Mason, enough with the chocolate. I already told you that." After a few more arguments she returns to me.

"I'm so sorry it's just..." I wait for her to finish but she dosn't. However I know what it is. "It's just life. I get it." Trisha sighs in releif as if no one had ever understood. "Well anyway, i'm checking for Charlie Evans."

I type his name into the search bar and his results pop up instantly. "Uhh, he has a three thirty appointment...two days from now." I click on his vaccine folder and scroll through. "He is coming for a sick check-up correct?" 

"Yes that is very accurate." I exit out and write it down in the log book. "Alright when you come in ask for Mia and i'll be there okay?"

"Oh thanks, your a life saver, no pun intended. Bye."

"Bye, have a good evening."

"I'll try." She laughs before the phone clicks of.

I yawn and check my watch. It's bright white light shines cheerily back at me. 


Those little numbers are enough to drain me of all my energy. "Only three minutes left Mia." I whisper to myself leaning on my elbow. My shoulders bunching up with all of todays tension and stress.


"I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna!" The little boy threw down his juice box and kicked his legs. I hold the needle in my hands waiting patiently for him to calm down. "Now markus, don't be like this, remeber what I told you, if you behave you can have ice-cream." He screams even louder at his moms words. "I want it now!" His fist connects with my face.


Lisa turns to me in her chair and smiles sympathetically. "You okay buttercup?" Her southern twang provides comfort. As usual. 

"Yeah, yeah, i'm good. Just remembering that little boy from earlier today." She grins wider and then laughs. For some reason I do to. "That kid was such a devil, causing a ruckus." My laugh intensified. "If I was his mom I woudv'e grabbed him and said, 'You listen here, you better shut up before I snatch a knoght in that behind!" I shook my head at her southern dialogue, before wiping my eyes.

"And that is exactly why your not his mom." She shrugs and ties back her brown hair. "The good Lord knows best." I snicker one last time before getting up. "Well, I better go before I fall asleep." She smiles knowingly.

"Alright biscuit, see you tomorrow then." I hug her quickly before grabbing my lunchbox and car keys. "Lisa don't forget to call me, we still have a Flash marathon to watch." Saya rounds the corner and rolls her eyes. "Your so stupid." 

I shrug. Lisa scoffs. "And what exactly did you accomplish that makes you einstein?" She remains silent. "That's what I thought, now hurry up before the needles get dirty." Saya huffs and then stalks off muttering to herself. "Country hick."

I mouth 'Thank you' before heading into the waiting elevator. "Hey Marty." I say to the hospitals resident golden retriever. His handler pets his head. He barks at the sound of his name. The rest of the way down is quiet. 


I wave before walking into the parking garage. 

My wolf Nivea yawns in my head before humphing. "I know I know, i'm tired to." Unlocking my car I slide in. Pulling out my phone I text my roommate Stella. 

Be there in 10 😁

She dosn't reply. Probably snuggled up with our cat Fat Louie.

Slowly I turn on the rdio and pull out of the parking garage. I switch onto the highway and sigh happily when I realize i'm the only one on it. 

Or so I thought.


So did you like it? I did, so I named the hospital Nemours because that's an actual hospital me and my sister go to. I love the workers there and of course the food. So yeah, although it's not in Vermont, I still wanted to dedicate Mia's job to them so



Your Oh-so-lovley author


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