chap 1

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Chapter 1: Haku

Hours turned to days, days turned to months and months eventually turned to years. It has been thirteen years since Chihiro had left the Spirit world. Haku knew that in a course of time after Chihiro leaves their world she would gradually forget everything, about the times he had helped her, how she helped him get his name back, how her love for him had saved him from Zeniba's curse, her friends: Rin, Kamajii, Zeniba, Boh.. and of course him, Haku.

Letting Chihiro go was by far the hardest thing he had done in over a thousand years. The day when he watched her go still haunts him. How he wished he hadn't let go of her hand that day when she left, but he had to do what's best for Chihiro and her parents.

Everyone noticed that Haku changed ever since Chihiro left, especially Rin and Kamajii. He had been sullen, he never smiled anymore.. not even a single curve on his lips showed, it's like his sadness and depression was incessant.

Haku never stopped finding ways to see Chihiro again. He had been going back to his river hoping he could communicate with Chihiro, but he never felt her presence near his river, not even once. He tried sneaking out of the bathhouse and tried to pass through the tunnel that leads to the human world, but every time he got out he would start disappearing and there was no sight of food within miles from the forest., so he had to go back as fast as he could for him to prevent himself from fading.

He tried all the incantations and spells he knew to try to find Chihiro, but everything seemed to be a fiasco. He swore to himself that he would never cease to find her even if it would take millions of decades, even if he failed a thousand times he would still continue to find ways to see her again, and so far his failures were too many to count. He knows that Chihiro couldn't remember their promise, but even if she already forgot about it, he wouldnt break his promise that they would see each other again.

'Knock, knock, knock.' Someone knocked . He lazily went to the door and opened it. "Master Haku, Yubaba wants to see you right away." A frog spirit said, he seems to be a new lackey.

"Alright, I'll be there right away." Haku replied as he went out and closed the door behind him. He went to the elevator and pulled the lever down for for him to go up to highest floor where Yubaba lives. Haku might have resigned as Yubaba's apprentice, but he still works for her, he still has a high rank though, after all he is doing a good job making all the lazy bums work. He swiftly walked to the door of Yubaba's apartment.

Suddenly the doors flung open "Well what are you waiting for? A servant to carry you? Come in." Yubaba huffed

"What do you want Yubaba?" Haku scowled

"I want you to rub some sense into all the lazy workers I have in this bathhouse and make sure they work properly for me to know if they deserve the pay I'm giving them, after that you can have the day off.. you'll probably think of another stupid way to see your precious Chihiro again." Yubaba said as she tried eliciting Haku, but he just stood there with a blank expression

"Okay, as you wish." He bluntly said. Feeling tedious Yubaba beckoned him.

Haku did just as Yubaba ordered. Afraid of what Yubaba might to, all the workers seemed to have worked better.. After all that was done, he went to his quarters and started to think. He thought about things around the bathhouse, all the things he had to do, and of course.. Chihiro. Every single night for thirteen years he dreamt of Chihiro coming back. But he knew it would only be a dream for her to come back, or so he thought.

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