chap 4

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Chapter 4: Recalling pieces

"How are you Sen? I've heard you've come back, its so nice of you to visit. It's really nice to see you again." said Kamajii as he smiled at Sen

"It's no problem. It's nice to see you again too." Said Sen

"Oh my, what a beautiful woman you have grown into, just like I knew you would be. So how have you been?"

"Thank you kamajii. Oh, me? Fine, I guess. But.. I don't know how I stumbled back here."

"It's called fate Sen.. It's called fate."

Chihiro kept quiet for a moment "I guess it is." She smiled.

"Haku.. take good care of this girl." said Kamajii as he eyed Haku

"Of course Kamajii, I wouldn't let anything happen to her." Haku grinned

"Now off you two go. Work starts in a few minutes." Said Kamajii

"Alright we'll be coming back to visit you again soon Kamajii." said Chihiro, and then she bowed, Kamajii bowed back.

Haku led Chihiro outside through a small door and took her back to her room.

"I'll see you later Chihiro. Take care of yourself ok? And if you need anything don't hesitate to ask Rin. I'll be back to check on you later." Said Haku

"Ok Haku. Thank you, you've been a big help to me." Said Chihiro and waved goodbye to Haku as he left. When she got in the room all the girls, including Rin were already dressed for work. Chihiro made her way to Rin.

"Seems like you've been up early. What've you been up to Sen?" asked Rin

"Oh.. just, visiting the garden, I needed some air." said Chihiro innocently

"Haku asked you out on a date?" Rin smirked

"No! It wasn't a date! We were just catching up." Chihiro protested

"So you were with Haku!" Rin gasped. Chihiro playfully punched Rin on the shoulder and they both laughed together. After they ate their breakfast they started their work right away.

"Rin! Sen! You get to clean the big tub! Orders from Yubaba." Said a small frog spirit. The tub was way more gross and messier than the last time they cleaned it thirteen years ago.

"Oh, gross Rin what is that?" said Sen as she pinched her nose, obviously not making a good effort to endure the stench of the tub.

"It's the big tub Sen, It's where the most filthy guests take a bath." Said Rin, she got in the tub carrying the mops she got from the frog spirit.

"Rin will you help me in?" said Chihiro

Rin nodded and pulled Chihiro inside the tub "It's even smellier when you get up close." Said Sen, she got a mop from Rin and started mopping the sludge off the tub but it just wont come off.

"Sen get some herbal soak token from the foreman." said Rin. She lifted Sen out of the tub, Sen tried to stand still but lost balance and slipped. She hit her head on the floor and lost consciousness.

"Sen!" screamed Rin, she quickly got out of the tub and got help from the other staffs. Two frog spirits carried Sen back to her room and laid her down on a futon. Everyone looked worried, the news quickly got to Yubaba. As much as everyone (except for Yubaba) wanted to take care of Chihiro they had work to do. Yubaba assigned Rin to take care of Chihiro, Rin agreed without any hesitations.

Chihiro's Pov

I couldn't feel anything after I banged my head on the floor. All I saw and heard was the blurry figure of Rin running through the hallway and her vague voice asking for help. Then everything turned black as if everything around me disappeared and I was in a dark empty space. Then sudden flashback of scences played in my head.

One was when I was ten, I was with my parents and I wandered off, when I came back they've already been turned into pigs. Another was when Kamajii and Rin helped me get a job and when Yubaba approved of me working in the bathhouse.

Many other scenes flashed in my head, but the one that really hit me was when I helped Haku when he was under the curse of Zeniba's seal and when I helped him get his name back.... I remember.... I remember!

Chihiro bolted right up from the futon and frantically said "I remember... I remember everything!"

Rin stared at Chihiro with a bewildered look "Remember what? How you fell from the tub?" Rin asked

"Everything! What happened thirteen years ago, you, Kamajii, Zeniba,Yubaba, Boh, No face, H-Haku!" Chihiro hugged Rin as tears started to dwell in her eyes. Rin hugged back , she finally had the old Sen back, the Sen she that thought was a dope (which she was totally sorry for) many years ago.

"Rin, as much as I don't want to spoil this moment of ours but... Have you seen Haku?" said Chihiro as she broke the hug

"It's no problem Sen. Haku's in his quarters. Its on the second to the last floor of the bathhouse, it's the third door to the right. Hurry Sen." said Rin "Thank you Rin." Chihiro gave Rin a quick hug before she hastily went out of their room.

"She so does have a thing for Haku... Which until now I don't get the reason why." Said Rin to herself as she smirked.

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