chap 5

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Chapter 5: Reminiscing

Chihiro's POV

"Sen! Yubaba told me you get to have a day off!" shouted Rin, (wow I could still hear her voice down the hallway) I was too far away from the room to shout back and I was in a hurry.

I promptly got in the elevator, and pulled the lever down. I quickly went out of the elevator and walked to Haku's quarters when I got on the right floor. 'Knock, knock, knock' I knocked but there was no response.

"Haku.." I softly called out as I opened the door. The room looked exquisite, it had a large bed that can fit about four people, and beside it was a queer yet picturesque lampshade, it was velvet and the rims were silver.

The bedspread was nothing like I had seen, it was crimson and it had unique patterns embroidered all over it. Across the room was a large study table, my eyes landed on a figure that seemed to have fallen asleep on the table while reading.

I slowly walked towards Haku, took a chair and sat beside him. I couldn't help but smile 'He's so cute when he's sleeping.' I thought. I shook my head and shuddered at the sudden realization of what I had just thought. I leaned forward to examine the color of his hair, was it forest-green? But I cringed when he opened his eyes.

"Chihiro? Wha- what are you doing here?" Haku muffled

"I- I just wanted to tell you something. S-sorry if I just came in without your p-permission" I stammered

"It's ok Chihiro. Is something wrong?"

"No Haku nothing's wrong. I actually have good news." I smiled

"Really? What is it?"

"I banged my head on the floor and-"

"You banged your head on the floor and that's good news?! Are you alright? Does it hurt?" Haku cut me off, he caressed my head with his hand

"Haku I'm perfectly fine. What I wanted to say was, after I hit my head. All the memories that I had here in the spirit world came back to me. Haku I remember everything!" I blissfully said

Haku stood up and stared at me for a few seconds, I stood up as well. "C-Chihiro! That's wonderful!" said Haku, he moved towards me and gave me a hug, I hugged him back.

"Umm, uh.. Chihiro?" Haku asked as he broke the hug

"Yes Haku?" I said

"Are you done with your work?"

"Well, technically, Rin told me that Yubaba permitted me to have the day off after what happened. Why?"

"Hmm, seems like mishaps brings out her good side." We both laughed at his statement "Chihiro, would you like to visit Zeniba?"

"Of course, I'd love to visit granny!"

"Well then, since today is also my day off, what if we go there now?"

"Wont Yubaba get mad? She might turn me into a pig or something."

"Why would she get mad? It's our day off right? She wouldn't care about our whereabouts anyway."

"Alright then." We both grinned at each other

Haku opened the door to his veranda as he changed to his dragon form, his soft, scaly, white dragon skin glistened as the rays of the sunset shone on him. Chihiro was dazed, he was way bigger now compared to his size years ago.

"Hop on Chihiro." Said Haku, Chihiro carefully hopped on Haku's back.

"Haku please go easy on me? I haven't done this for thirteen years you know," I said nervously as we got higher and higher off the ground. Haku glided through the warm air. I held tight on him for the fear of falling a hundred ft. below. His sea green mane was soft as cotton when I petted him. It was a long way to Zeniba's, I closed my eyes for minute and unknowingly fell asleep.

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