Hanging day

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I get ready for my last day of school "wow school went by fast" I say in my head Zak tried to talk to me but I didn't answer I get home have my last supper get ready for my big surprise I get a nuice put it around my neck kick over the stool and there I went dangling back and forth I saw a light In the distance I kept walking to it until I came to my judgement day never thought of it like this "COME FORWARDS PLEASE" I went where I was suppose to go "ahhhh avril reight here you are walk where the angels tell you" so I did I heard glorious singing I didn't think I was going to heaven I thought I was going to hell but I guess I was wrong again like always "father who art in heaven hollowed be thy name my kingdom come I will be done on earth as it is in heaven..." I heard one beautiful voice of an angel...

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