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After the restaurant we went to an amusement park "hard rock park" the first thing we rode was the mouse trap it was so fun I think Zak was screaming like a little girl after the mouse trap we went on the pirate ship and I screamed like a grown man that was a ballerina haha but not like Zak though I think I screamed his lungs out of place after the amusement park we went for a walk on the beach and guess what Zak Velocity kissed me so lightly on the lips it felt like a fucking feather the kiss lasted about a minute I think who knows not me I wasn't worried about it "what does this mean" I asked "what do you think it means" he asked while I grabbed his neck and pulled him close so I could taste his lips once more "race you to the peer and back" he yelled "im gonna win!" I yelled back he turned around and came charging at me knocking me down "ha how are you gonna bet me now little wimp?!" he asked "like this" I said punching his nuts then running "now that wasn't so nice sweetheart I'm coming for you and so he did and we were off well I was anyways

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