I Saw You In Your House Already Drunk As Heck

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The wonders of imagination
Welcome home dear friend
How long we've all been waiting
Let's create a masterpiece, breathe life into your dreams!
All you gotta do is start up the machine
I'm the product of an artist
Whose creations bring delight
Upon this somber threshold
Imagination comes to life
Just free yourself from reason
Soon you'll see in black and white
Call me a seed of evil
But what's that mean
If I'm conceived within your mind?
Leaking from the ceiling
Ink is bleeding through the lines
Is that your heart that's beating
Or illusion you're alive?
Collect what's necessary
Keep appeasing the divines
It's me you should be believing
Cuz he's deceiving you with lies
Despite this mask of happiness
I drown in dark despair
The world may be your canvas
What you paint on it, beware!
The pen is mightier than the sword
It has no limitation
Don't refrain, this ink will stain
And nothing can erase us now
Can you describe the face you saw?
Could it be one you recognize?
We'd never harm the hand that draws
Imagination cursed us all with life

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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