Little *Rykey*

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Mikey's POV:

Rye slapped my thighs to gesture me to get off his lap as he stood up. "You stay here with Fovvs. Imma have a shower" he said to me before kissing me and going into the bathroom. Everyone knew about mine and Rye's relationship and they were all so supportive but nobody knew that I'd sometimes go into headspace and have to be looked after. I've been fighting headspace all day because I couldn't get Rye on his own, but as soon as Andy said "let's watch Lion King!" And flicked on the movie channel, I couldn't help it.

"LETS DO IT! YAY!" I said before pulling out my stuffie and cuddling into Andy's side. "Get off me you curtain!" He said before pushing me off, laughing, causing me to cry.

Rye's POV:

I was just about to wash my hair when I heard Mikey shout from the living room. "Daddy!!!" I jumped out the shower as fast as I could and threw a towel round me, running into the living room and throwing my arms around my crying boy. "What's wrong babyboy?" I asked, looking up at Andy who looked so confused.

"Daddy! Andy called me a curtain and pushed me!" He said sobbing, clinging onto my towel. "Hey, baby, I'm sure he was only joking. Come on, let's sit down and explain everything to Andy yeah?"
"Otay daddy" he replied.

I sat down with Mikey on my lap tracing my abs with his fingertips. "Daddy is so sexy when he's shirtless" he giggled, causing me to blush. "Behave babyboy! We need to talk to Andy" I whispered.

"Sorry if I hurt him Rye... I didn't know he was... Whatever he is" Andy said, holding my hand, causing Mikey to slap Andy's hand and say "my daddy!"

"We don't hit people do we Baby? Unless it's my hand on your pretty little ass" I said to him before turning back to Andy. "Fovvs, I know you didn't mean it. Mikey does this thing where he slips into headspace and he feels like he's younger than he actually is. He needs to be looked after" I said to him as his face lit up in awe. "That's the cutest thing ever!" Shouted Andy, causing Mikey to beam a proud smile. "I'm sorry for hurting you Mikey"
"It's okay Andy! I know you didn't mean to. Plus, at least it gave me an excuse to sit on daddys lap when he's naked" he giggled, causing me to remember I was only in a towel. "Right! Let me go and wash my hair. You watch Lion King with Andy okay?" I said, taking him off my lap and standing up. "Otay daddy" he said, cuddling into Andy. I smiled and left the room.

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